Sue Gregg Cookbooks: A review
Ahh . . . Sue Gregg is the Julia Child of my world.
I started my blog to teach people about whole foods cooking and sustainable living. People used to ask me how I did the things that I did . . . so instead of writing a bunch of emails, I just started blogging about our weird cooking, eating, and household habits.
But I could give up blogging.
Sue Gregg has already done the things I set out to do. And it is in several concise and specific books. Now I just tell people to get a Sue Gregg cookbook.
I would recommend two books if you are starting out on your whole foods journey or you are looking for a gift to answer a friend’s questions about eating healthy.
Both books provide you with an excellent foundation in whole foods cooking that isn’t overwhelming. If you never learned about various types of grains, sugars, portion sizes, freezing, and nutrition . . . these two books are for you! Included is a basic list of items you should have in your pantry!
Once again, what I savor about Sue Gregg is that her philosophy lines up with ours as she avoids the foods outlined in Leviticus, which I have blogged about previously. Though we are no longer under the law because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, there really is scientific evidence why eating pork and shellfish “don’t do a body good!” Additionally, She provides a fabulous Bible Study to keep the proper perspective on food. Jesus truly is the source and the bread of life!
Thumbs up for Sue Gregg. I have 100% enjoyed reviewing her books and they have left me craving more of her work, specifically these cookbooks:
The cookbooks are affordable and help you to cook healthy meals for your family on a reasonable budget!!!
Visit Sue Gregg’s website . . . she even has some free tutorials and recipes on there!
Nope . . . I am not being paid for this post, though it may sound like it. I just think this is a really good product!
For more reviews, visit The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew Review Blog.