Dear @Dell Computer Company,
Dear @Dell,
I always thought that one day you would force my hand to write a very defamatory and public blog post, depicting the numerous times our Dell Inspiron One computer has failed. However, due to the fact that I have the word “God” in my blog title, I refrained from ever doing such a thing. And I’m thankful for not burning that bridge with you.
Though at times I was tempted to become publicly irate, largely due to the impulsivity and randomness of my malfunctioning Inspiron One computer, I always refrained from publicly spewing thoughts across the internet because of the people who represent you. Not to mention, the Twitter model is to do good.
@DellCares is a huge asset to your company. Because of the people you have working your social media for you, I WOULD recommend a Dell computer to someone.
The Tweet that Changed our Relationship
I sent out a simple tweet mentioning my computer woes.
The woes began early on in our working relationship. Four technicians, four hard drives, three CD ROMs, and one motherboard later, your Social Media Ninja’s were always patient and gracious with me when I was crying and upset over lost documents, having to install a mirror drive for the gazillionth time, and not being able to use our Rosetta Stone or print anything for our homeschool. (That was a nice run-on sentence.)
Yet, your people . . . apologized. They were patient.
@DellCares if Your Valuable Resource
And now, you have added icing to the cake. Even when the computer decided to cooperate for a tiny bit in September, your @DellCares specialist would STILL contact me to make sure that everything was working smoothly.
That is impressive.
Because of that simple attention to detail and your company’s ability to see the people behind the computer screen (like me — the people who depend on their computer to work from home and educate their children with your technology), I thank you. I will recommend you.
Throughout all of our struggles together, your employees NEVER bashed the product but sought a solution that was mutually beneficial. I will recommend you.
When my computer began to malfunction weeks prior to the warranty expiring your technicians worked late at night so that I had an answer in the morning and a task to complete to get back on the grid. I will recommend you.
Our Warranty Expired
And when our warranty expired, @DellCares still remained an advocate to both you and me. I felt like I had a lawyer expounding my case; shouting at the top executives that justice be done and a replacement computer found.
Even though our warranty had expired.
I know that you can’t replace everyone’s computer. But I am thankful that you are replacing mine.
And secretly I was glad when you couldn’t find our exact computer. Though I had greedily hoped for a replacement in the form of a laptop for travel and working at Starbucks, I am STOKED about what you are sending us.
Thank you.
For some reason, our Dell Inspiron One Touchscreen entered the world grumpy. Which made me grumpy, truthfully.
I know that not all @Dell computers behave like cry babies.
@Dell is Honorable
Dear @Dell, thank you for being honorable. I purchased an Inspiron One largely based on a blogger’s review who also homeschools (because I blog and homeschool). And my hope is that people who read my words would still buy a Dell Computer because it is a company that excels at customer service, has a dedicated Social Media Team, and backs up their product 100%.
I thank you. And my kids thank you, because now they can visit some of their favorite websites when the new-to-us computer arrives.
I do recommend Dell Computers.
Jodi McKenna, blogger and Social Media Manager