I first heard about Young Living Oils 1+ years ago and I quickly discounted them. I was introduced to YL Thieves Oil through my herbalist, after our son was born, and thought that she must be off her rocker.

Rewind: I Wanted A Baby
After struggling to become pregnant for several years, I discovered that I had PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome). I was told that the likelihood of ever having children was slim. I began looking for healthy alternatives that would support my body in the way God designed.
A Return Trip to the Crazy Herbalist
Remember that crazy herbalist? Well, she isn’t so crazy. She said that with God all things are possible.
Yes. I believed that.
Then she stated I would be pregnant within three months. Yea, right!
Guess what? I got pregnant within three months using a concoction of various herbs that she suggested. But really — we see all 4 of our children as a miracle from the Lord.
Why Thieves Oil?
After my son was born, I continued to make a monthly visit to our herbalist. She talked me into purchasing that Thieves oil from Young Living.
We used this dietary supplement and were delighted how it supported wellness.
Quite frankly, the rest is history.
Sharing the Tools God Left on Earth
I love to share about the Biblical validity of essential oils. I think there’s a legit reason why we should be using essential oils.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I’d love to support you and your wellness journey. As a token of our family’s appreciation, we’d like to send you a little gift, when you become a Young Living member using our Young Living Member Number: 970238 — or click or tap here.
The gift is subject to change, but guaranteed to be filled with USEFULL items to help you on your Young Living Health and Wellness journey!

Let’s break this down — because contrary to what you might believe, essential oils can be quite helpful to supporting a well-managed budget!
First Steps
- Join Young Living using this link.
- Sign up for our free oily community once you have become a Young Living member. Use your new Young Living number. Just so you know, if you choose to support your essential oil habit by building a home based business, you can invite your team/friends/downline to utilize our website too!

Looking For More Information?
So to make becoming a Young Living “Member” less mysterious, our oil infused community — Wise House Oils — will help you navigate your essential oil journey even before your new Premium Starter kit arrives.
What Diffusers Can I Choose From?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I watch a Class Before I Join?
Yes! Visit WiseHouseOils.com and register for a FREE class! Or head on over to our new member area that is full of information.
Why Should I Become A Wholesale Member?
Well, I became a wholesale member because it was better for the budget. As a wholesale member with Young Living you receive 24% off retail price! Since you are going to use your new oils you just ordered, you will find yourself naturally sharing your experience with friends and family.
Young Living believes in blessing you with a nice “thank you” referral bonus — just to encourage you to keep on oiling up and sharing with your friends.
But here me on this — by no means do you HAVE to share or utilize Young Living’s incredible business building opportunity. That’s your choice — one I choose after using Young Living for my own personal use for 5 years.
Is there a monthly order minimum?
NO. You can just order what you need when you need it.
Oh, but you gotta learn about Essential Rewards. We’ll chat when you join. BUT if you are so excited to join — I do highly recommend choose the Thieves Essential Rewards Kit or the NingXia Red Essential Rewards Kit. Once again, totally optional . . . but products our family uses ever single day.
Do you pinkie swear that there are no monthly order requirements?
To retain an active account, you have to place one 50PV minimum order per year. If you miss that deadline, you can reactivate your account by calling Young Living Member Services with a 100PV (point volume) order. Very simple to do.
What kit do you recommend that I get started with?
I recommend the Premium Starter Kit with the Desert Mist Diffuser. I think it is an excellent choice that really gets you started on your wellness journey and has you use some of the most frequently used essential oils to support multiple body systems.
But maybe you really want to start replacing some of the products in your house that you feel are affecting you in negative ways. Then, I’d say start with what you need! There are three other kits to choose from.
Savvy Mineral Makeup Kit
I started wearing makeup for the VERY first time, when I turned 40 — all because of the Savvy Mineral Makeup. Seriously!
NingXia Red Starter Kit
Where do I start with Ningxia Red? I drink this every single day. It supports me in so many radical ways!
Thieves Premium Starter Kit
I think one of the biggest and easy things to change in our homes is our cleaning products. Thieves replaces ALL of your chemical cleaners.
Email me at wisehouseoils (at) gmail dot com if you have any questions!
What Comes With the Premium Starter Kit?
- An essential oils collection with 10 of Young Living’s most popular oils
- A bonus oil {Stress Away} to bring your collection up to 11
- A diffuser of your choice {Dewdrop, Rainstone, Desert Mist or Aria}
- Thieves Cleaner Sample
- Essential oil sample bottles
- Essential oil sample sharing cards
- 2 packets of NingXia Red
- 1 roller fitment
Still Need More Clarity ?
Let’s chat.
YOU: I just really want to use oils myself. Do I have to sell Young Living products to be a wholesale member?
Me: NO. There are ZERO obligation to sell oils when you join as an wholesale member. However, if you ever change your mind, you can jump right in and share organically, blog, light up social media, or share organically about what you love with your friends and family!
Our Wise House Oils community has online and in-real-life business support and education to help you get your business off the ground should you decide to go that direction. But — NO pressure. It took me 5 years to catch on!
YOU: If someone wants to join Young Living through me, what do I do?
ME: When you join, you will be assigned your own member number to give to your friends and family who are interested in joining as well. Most of the time, you will have them enter your member number as the sponsor and enroller.
YOU: Is there a way to save even more money — cause I’m looking for some FREE things!
ME: Yes! The Essential Rewards program offers reduced shipping, credit for free oils & more! Plus each month there are great promotions for free oils when you place an Essential Rewards order. I love free stuff!

What Now?
Well, the way I see it — we start living life together. Follow these step by step instructions! I’ll be here to help you on your oily journey.
1. Click here to begin the enrollment process. This will take you to the Young Living website.
2. I recommend the Wholesale Membership. There are NO strings attached for being a wholesale member. You aren’t required to order monthly or anything. Just so you know — if you select “Retail Customer” you will not receive wholesale pricing, you won’t have access to starter kits, you won’t be able to access the WiseHouseOils.com website, and you will pay retail cost which is 24% more than wholesale.
3. I’d love for you to check to make sure that my member number (970238) is in both the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots.
4. Fill out all the information that makes you, well, you!
5. Choose the kit you want. I highly recommend one of the Premium Starter Kits. You can skip the Essential Rewards part for now unless you would like to join ER right away. Joining immediately helps insure that you qualify for this month’s Promotions and that everything is shipped together. Check out the promotions before you discount how amazing it is to receive monthly mail of your choice from Young Living.
Next stop? The check out!
But before you do — seriously consider joining Essential Rewards from the get-go. If you have a wellness goal — then a monthly wellness box is seriously what you want to receive to help you keep focused on your goal!
7. Be sure to write down your member number, password and pin. Take a picture of your oils when the arrive! We’d love to see you on Instagram using the hashtag #wisehouseoils or #wisehouseoilsPSK
Here is a little paper you can print to record your new and important information!
If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at wisehouseoils (at) gmail dot com!