#writetheword Defined
The concept is simple.
Write the Word.
Why Write the Word?
It is biblical. Do you need more of a reason?
Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel.
I have a lot of Bibles. 48 to be exact.
Our house OBVIOUSLY does not need another Bible. And while I write notes in my Bible, as reminders to myself and a legacy to pass on to my children, I am grossly negligent in copying the scriptures in front of my children, as Moses instructed the future Kings to do (in order not turn to the left or the right – but to remain focused on God).
I don’t have to #writetheword, I am choosing to write the Word.
Our pastor regularly reminds us, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10: 17)
While I wholeheartedly agree with my husband’s bike buddy, sometimes I feel like the Word goes in one ear and out the other. Can I get a witness?
The Bible tells us in James 1:22,
But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
How to be a Doer
I am practicing the doing.
It is easy to be busy with doing. But I am working on writing a copy of the Word as if I were sitting before the very throne of God. This scribe stuff? It is NOT busywork. It is not a time to double task.
It doesn’t take much to focus on writing the Word.
A bible. A pen (preferably your favorite one). And a notebook.
I started out in Matthew. But have recently switched to Proverbs due to the graciousness of Reformation Heritage Books.
Hear me when I say that I am not being paid. I am earning NOTHING by telling you about my new journal(s).
I am passionate about
- the Word of God
- getting YOU into the Word of God
- and raising an awareness of Bible Poverty.
Just Write
While you don’t need a Journible, I must admit that I was way more intentional this morning as my pen crossed every jot and tittle.
Journibles are set up so that you only write on one side of the page. At the top of each page you are told what chapter and set of verses are contained on the page.
The other side is for notes.
And occasionally, there is a question posed in every so faint gray ink . . . that you can choose to write over . . . or answer.
It has the right amount of space to write. Enough pages to complete the entire book you are writing, such as Proverbs. And Journibles look good on a shelf – not that it should stay on the shelf.
Need More Information?
The Purpose of Writing the Word
It causes me to slow down.
It makes me ponder what it would be like to be a Bible Translator.
It reminds me to pray for the One Verse missionaries who are working hard at translating the Bible for the Vidunda people in Tanzania.
I am inspired to raise awareness about the need for those of us passionate about the Word of God to support Bible translation through monthly (tax deductible — ahem) gifts.
I am acutely conscious of EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. (Including comma’s, possessive nouns, capitalizations, cities, and lists, to name a few.)
I find myself actually dwelling on the Word. Which has the potential to lead to great transformation. Increased faith. That quiet and gentle spirit I long for.
I love that what I write can be read by my children both now and in the future. Should the Lord tarry, the simple fact is that I will die. While I am with the Lord, my children will have a lasting legacy . . . as if I am still reading to them. And even reading to my grandchildren. That is sweet. Lasting. Eternal.
How Can You Become Involved?
There are many ways you can join in.
- The first step is to write the Word of God each day, be it in a Journible or a simple notebook.
- Join us on Instagram and use the hashtag #writetheword and/or #endbiblepoverty
- Link up with I’ll Take Tea every other week, sharing what you learned by writing the Word.
- I want you just to stay tuned . . . because God is growing a very cool thing from this #writetheword thingy. . . that I hope to share with you soon.
- Ask a friend or a group of friends to meet regularly. Fellowship and write the word together. Send me a picture if you do — to thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com.
- Spread the word. Tweet about #writetheword. Blog about #writetheword. Like this post on Facebook. Place a link to this post on your Facebook wall or Twitter stream or Pinterest board. Whatever you do, help this idea go viral. There is nothing more important as sharing the Truth found in God’s Word.
- Consider sponsoring Bible Translation.

Jodi, I love your heart for this! I’ve never heard of Journibles, but what a great product for this project. They look beautiful on a shelf and will indeed leave a legacy to your family. Now, let’s plan our #writetheword fest! 🙂
I’ll get on it!
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been having a hard time trying to read the Bible right now, because I get so easily distracted by everything else that’s around. This maybe the answer I’ve been looking for!
Julie you truly will be blessed!!!
really….I have been writing the word for years…why didn’t i think of making” journibles” for others….sigh 🙂 It really is an amazing thing to do!!!!
You are ahead of your time, girl. LOL! We are going to be having a #writetheword party. I’ll keep you posted!
I just happened to see a really cute photo of your kids on Instagram, noticed your user name (which I love) and had to check out what you had going on. This is great stuff! So glad I found this. =)
So glad you stopped by!!!
fellow one verse blogger & you’ve inspired me!
Yes, a notebook would serve the same purpose, but I like having a “special” book set aside specifically for the purpose of writing scripture. Writing the scriptures word for word forces me to focus, and while it may sound funny, sometimes I find the writing more relaxing than reading. I guess it’s just another way to get in the Word.
Hi Jodi! My name is Jodi too and I am totally into the Journible! I just finished leading a group of girls at church through the book of John and then went through Ephesians while I was on a “new baby break.” We have loved the journible…with the exception of wishing for some better questions/info on the left hand side of the pages. After using some good commentaries, we found a few things that were not correct and/or not the best part to focus on. My girls offered to rewrite the left side for John! 🙂 Ha! We live close to Puritan Theological seminary (where Reformation Heritage is located) and I found them there. Awesome.
BTW – I think we might be twins…same name and homeschool and foodie and fermenting and all….:) Nice to finally “meet you”! 🙂 Blessings!
Jodi!!! I’m so glad you left a note!!!! So good to meet you. How did you come across my blog? I’ll be in touch soon about a nifty thing we are planning with the #writetheword! Can’t wait to get to know you better!
I am looking for your book of Isaiah journible. Can you help?
I don’t see an Journible for Isaiah . . . until Reformation Heritage Books creates one, I recommend using a Moleskin. Next to the Journible, I heart Moleskins!
So many will be blessed for generations by this. Amazing. I’m on board!
Hi! I found your lovely blog through a web search about Bible study discipline. Thank you so much! I have started this week to write the word. I have chosen Deuteronomy- simply because I am getting ready to start a Bible study on Deut. and I know it is really easy to get overwhelmed. Thank you for your motivation, and God bless!
Blessings to you! Enjoy. And remember just to write. Don’t get caught up on “perfection.” Excited for you!
Ok love love love. Do you have a mix and match of journibles and regular notebooks? I can’t wait to share with my readers! Btw I wish we lived closer! Not sure which side of Indy you live on. I’m just outside of bloomington.
Yup! I gave up on it being perfect — because I just wanted to be in the Word. Ya know?
started in psalms today!!!!!
Jodi — this is so cool! I actually started doing this with Proverbs in just a regular notebook on my own. How cool that there are others doing it and that there are actually books to do it in! Thanks for sharing!
I know you wrote this almost four years ago, but thank you! I recently found Journibles and ordered two Proverbs, one for each of my daughters. I recently came into possession of my mother’s Bibles (because she didn’t need them anymore, as she went to live with The Word Hinself?), her mother’s Bible, and her grandfather’s Bible (my great grandfather). They are so precious to me! Every note written, every blistered page from falling tears – all so precious! I wanted to give my girls something so precious too. Enter Journibles. I’m starting with Proverbs, then I plan to go on to Romans, then Psalms, then Matthew, Genesis, Mark, etc., alternating OT/NT. I hope to be able to hand both of them a complete Bible written in my own hand with commentary, notes, and maybe some Bible art journaling by the time I die. I’m 51 years old. I don’t know if I will be able to do it, but I’ll certainly try! Whatever I do get done, I’m sure God will bless, because His Word does not return void. Blessings on you as you #writetheword!
Anni — thank you so much for your precious comment!!! You helped me actually sit down to write a blog post this morning. It had been so long since I had written. Thank you so much for taking the time! Loved hearing your story. I love the Journibles! Truly a neat way to worship the Lord and grow in knowledge of the Word of God!!!!
I have just read your writings, WOW! Would like to read more!!!
Thanks so much Becky!!! You are more than welcome to read more!!! Blessings to you!