5 Superhero Goals for 2014
I wrote how a Superhero sleeps. The story wasn’t supposed to be that long. That post was supposed to be this post, if that makes sense. Because initially I was going to tell you how I became a superhero to complete strangers and how you can improve your superhero tendencies.
It starts like this.
(By the way, this conversation usually happens in a checkout line.)
On Becoming a Superhero
Are they all yours?
(We don’t even have a quiver-full, so I don’t see what is so large about 4 kids.)
How do you get them all so well-behaved?
(Hello . . . it’s called training. Loving them. Discipling them. Involving them. Being consistent. But know, that we aren’t perfect.)
Is today a sick day? You what? You homeschool?
(Recently, it seems like every day is a sick day. Ahem. But no. We do school wherever we go. Life is learning.)
I assume you go to go to some sort of co-op regularly, right? You expose them to other children?
(Sometimes I am baffled by people. Is exposing them to other children always a good thing?)
I don’t know how you do it. You are a busy woman. It’s like you’re a superhero.
(People, do you realize that your words hurt my kids? Every time you say this, they think that they must be a problem. They think you mean they aren’t important. That they lack value. That they suck the life out of me. I mean, yes, sometimes they do – but ultimately children are a blessing from the Lord. They need to know this. They REALLY need to know this. So don’t act exhausted for me on my behalf. And yes, I am a superhero. Wonder Woman trained me. But Jesus lives inside of me.)
5 Goals for Expanding Your Superhero Powers
I am narrowing my focus this year and creating very do-able goals for 2014. Instead of goals, I have created action steps towards expanding my superhero powers. Because goals don’t materialize unless you have a step by step plan.
These are today’s “purchase” steps.
1. get Great Homeschool Convention ticket – the price increases January 1st. While this getaway involves what I do everyday, in the past it has been fun. This year The Engineer is going with me since my BFF left me high and dry and moved to another country across the world.
2. Plan to burn calories even when you are sitting. When you develop muscle you burn calories even when you are at rest. Thus load bearing exercise reaps longer lasting effects than any make-me-pee-in-my-pants aerobic exercise. Join me for the Les Mills Fitness Workout Challenge that I will be hosting with my friend, Renee, starting at the end of January. Get your Les Mills Pump DVD’s here. (This is The Engineer’s website and on his website sidebar you will see the two workouts our family uses most, plus the Shakeology protein shake, which we drink. Yes, I know it is processed . . . but I can understand all of the ingredients. And it works.)
3. Heal your gut and get healthy by going on the GAPS diet or reading I Quit Sugar. I am doing both. More details will be leaking (no pun intended) out on this once the New Year’s Resolutions have fizzled out. This will be starting the end of January.
4. Take off your MoMo and become a Motivated Mom, who is organized and keeps her house clean, while involving the kids. Purchase an ebook that has your household tasks daily mapped out for you, or use the Motivated Mom app. Use coupon code MM2014 to receive $2 off, making the ebook $6 instead of $8. Get your organization over at Motivated Moms.
5. Join MacKenzie from Bold Turquoise on her amazing year long challenge, Bold Year Challenge. She is giving participants a really cool download.
Bonus #6
Read A Million Little Ways with me. Because of this book, my word for the year has materialized into ART. I’m excited to share this . . . but more on that later.
So, 5 do-able goals.
Will you be joining me in any of my goals towards enhancing your Superhero gifts this 2014? Or what are your Superhero goals?

I could kiss you, so I guess you should be glad that you are a million miles away!
Have an awesome New Year’s Eve, lady! Love you!