Curriculum ALL My Children are Using 2014-2015
Our curriculum choices are locked in this year, as we have already been in school five weeks. In those five weeks, I have made a dramatic shift in our history curriculum and added an art component.
What Is In the One Room Schoolhouse?
- Classical Conversations Foundations (which includes 7 statements they memorize each week, a science experiment, and art). This year CC is focusing on United States geography and history. We mostly work on our memory work in the car.
- Sing School Latin with the DVD (that the kids get a big kick out of)
In, theory we are doing Rosetta Stone Spanish . . . but I can’t keep it loaded on the computer. It keeps disappearing. After three times of re-installing . . . I’m a big frustrated.
- Beautiful Feet Books Early American History (We were doing Notgrass American History, which was full of fantastic pictures, but we needed more depth and a greater connection with how mankind responded to God’s work in his life.)
- Mystery of History IV . . . we have this pre-ordered, and most likely won’t dive into it until towards the end of the year. We have read all three previous volumes. Last year, this curriculum was what largely kept me on schedule. I knew I had to read from it three times a week – and it just became a bit of a crutch really.
Likewise, to complete the Beautiful Feet Books in a year we need to read from it three times a week . . . which certainly wasn’t a problem this week (our first week with it). The boys BEGGED to learn more about the Vikings, who WERE the first to visit North American (not Christopher Columbus.)
- Apologia Anatomy (which is also a focus in our CC Foundations memory work this year)
- Home Art Studio (we have the Kindergarten and 1st Grade DVD’s). While I have a 5th grader, we have largely ignored art (except for the amazing pastels tutorials from Southern Hodgepodge), so we are starting with the basics.
- GoldFish Swim School
- Taekwondo (boys only)
- Awana
Curious about last year’s curriculum because you have a student that is a year younger? Visit this blog post.
Coming Soon
I’ll will be elaborating on what my pre-schooler, 1st grader, 3rd grader, and 5th grader are studying with me or independently.
And . . . when do I go shopping? How do I make getting food for our family hassle and stress-free?

We JUST read Leif the Lucky yesterday 🙂
Looks like a great plan for your one room school house!
Are you doing Beautiful Feet too?
This looks like a FANTASTIC lineup for this year. I am curious to know how the memory work goes when done in the car – do you primarily use just the CD’s – how does that work?
We are reading through portions of Beautiful Feet’s Early American history program – I’m anxious to hear what you guys think of it.
But the post that I am anxiously awaiting is how your run your day and get everything done – especially feeding your family. I am so pleased to see that it is upcoming! I’ve often wondered how you accomplish so much daily!
Blessings to you!
Ha! How my day runs!! There probably isn’t a normal day, that is for sure!!!! Yes, CC produces CD’s or you can download the mp3 version from an online forum they have. So we just listen to it in the car multiple times. It works great!!!!
Oh, Beautiful Feet is so amazing. I adore it and so do the kid. Now we are having a bit of an issue explaining how history has been fictionalized . . . but I’m looking at it as capturing their imaginations . . . and putting a peg in their brain right now.
Hey, Jodi!
Just spent over an hour perusing your blog and following links you’ve posted. You’ve encouraged me. Thanks for writing, sharing what works for you. I’m excited to be doing this alongside you, even if I am in TX.
I loved the dot sticker idea on the AAR lessons and the number stamps with a young one and Math U See Curriculum. Also, how has the art studio curriculum gone for you?
Thankful, too, that you’re a few years of homeschooling ahead of me. And you’re living to tell about it. Love to you all. Keep writing!