Do You Have Oily Kids?
Do you have oily kids? What kind of creepy question is that? Well, it comes from the same person who totally used to be a creepy blog lurker.
You see, there were two “older” homeschool moms (Carisa and Jolanthe) that I really looked up to as I entered the toddler and preschool eras with my children many moons ago. These once distant faces on a website pretty much did all my planning and research for me, as their kids were older. I printed ever single printable they created. I bought the laminator; displayed their chore charts; invested in the bulk Velcro; and read the books they suggested.
But here’s the cool thing. These two ladies knew who I was.
On Line Friends Into In-Real-Life Friends
I’m not entirely sure HOW Jolanthe and Carisa knew who I was, unless they actually creeped on my blog? I mean EVERYONE wants to know how to make chai, find recipes for the Vitamix, and ferment kombucha right?
Well, apparently Carisa and Jolanthe did, because after what seemed like years of only knowing them through their blogs, one day I found myself sitting in their hotel room at a blogging conference. Farting and eating chocolate.
Yes, bloggers fart too.
Thankfully, there’s an oil for that.
Which brings me to my invitation.
You Are Invited
You’ll be hanging out with Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and Jolanthe from Homeschool Creations and myself. We are really looking forward to having you join the oily journey with us!
Mark your calendars for a behind the scenes look at how the three of us use essential oil and oily-infused products with our kids!
NOTE: If you click “going,” Facebook will send you a reminder for each event we are hosting over the next few weeks!
Want More Details?
Through Facebook, we have set up a public recurring event hosted by all three of us. Over three weeks, one of us will be hopping in to share on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting March 19 at 1pm EST! The topics will be a surprise, filled with either LIVE or pre-recorded videos, some graphic-based tips, and several fun PDF downloads!
ALL are welcome to attend, even if you aren’t on our Young Living team, but please know this event will be specific to Young Living products. Only positive and helpful comments will be allowed!
What Topics Will Be Covered?
All of the topics will center around kids. But there might be a surprise for mom, too! And a few giveaways.
- Focus
- Sleep
- Emotions
- Wellness
- Moms
- Cleaning with Kids
- Healthy Bodies, & more!
When Does This Begin?
Join us on Monday, March 19th as we launch the fun with the topic schedule, downloadable note taking guide, and giveaway. On March 19, the fun will begin at 1pm and posts will appear throughout the day, closing up by 9pm. Be sure to pop over on the 19th so you don’t miss the giveaway and PDF download!
How Can You Participate?
Click “GOING” in the event here and you will be able to access all of the recurring events.
STARTS: Monday, March19th, at 1pm EST
Continues every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm through April 6th.
See you next Monday!
