A Reason to Color
We have been knee deep in preparing for our neighborhood garage sale. If it were up to me, I would just donate our unused items to Goodwill, but my children on the other hand are professionals in the world of garage sales. And these professionals inspired me to get out some coloring books because we had a reason to color.
If you want your house cleaned out, allow my children to come over. They will de-clutter your house ruthlessly.
I’m super glad they aren’t attached to stuff, but high amounts of overwhelming stress occurred as I was hit with a barrage of questions about getting rid of this and that and the sorting piles scattered throughout the house. I applied emotional supporting essential oils and hosted a tea party.
Because those things coupled with prayer and Hillsong Alive and Free . . . you can’t go wrong.
And it wasn’t just any tea party. But a tea party with coloring books. But I already mentioned this.
Why Should You Color?
According to the Huffington Post, there are at least 7 reasons coloring are good for you:
- It is an alternative to popping a pill. Relax and de-stress by coloring.
- Coloring encourages you to re-focus nervous energy into a positive, safe outlet.
- Coloring apparently targets the amygdala and is helpful to those suffering from PTSD.
- This simple activity takes us back to childhood and can evoke positive memories.
- Coloring utilizes the parts of the brain that use focus and concentration. It is possible for problem solving and organizational skills to improve.
- Problem solving and fine motor skills improve due to using both sides of the brain.
- The act of focusing and doing can replace the act of observing and complaining.
What Oils Could You Diffuse While Coloring?
My personal favorite oil blends to diffuse to foster a calm moment in our house are:
- Peace and Calming 1 or 2
- GenYus
- Northern Lights Black Spruce
An Even Better Reason to Color
While coloring has a lot of mental health benefits and creates opportunities for rich conversation with your children and friends, my sister has created an even better reason for why you should be coloring with your children and friends.
My nieces have a goal to collect 500 coloring pages by Christmas. But why?
They are working with Partners With Ethiopia, works with a partner organization in Ethiopia, called FOVC (Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children). FOVC does all of their fundraising and delivers hot meals, tutoring, hygiene training, and medical care, etc. Currently they have sponsorship programs in two different villages.
The kids that are going to be receiving the little surprises do not necessarily live in orphanages but could be living with a relative. Many have lost one parent.
Regardless of their living arrangements, the simple fact is that more often than not their situations are dire.
But you can be a part of a bright spot in their life. All it takes is a coloring page and a note to be a part of this movement.
How can you help?
Help my nieces in reaching the goal of drawing 500 pictures by December 31, 2016.
It’s quite simple. We have given you a reason to relax and unwind. Go color or draw a picture on an 8 12 x 11 sheet of paper. Write an encouraging note on the front or back of you drawing or coloring page. Please only write your first name.
Mail your drawing/coloring artwork to the following address:
Vackar Insurance
c/o 2 Sisters with a Mission
P.O. Box 102
Carmel, IN 46082.
Share on Social Media!
- It would be so much fun to see what everyone colors or draws. Use the hashtag #PwE500coloringpages.
- Visit 2SistersWithAMission on Facebook!
- Check out Partners with Ethopia.

WOW! What a fantastic post. <3 I'll be traveling over to Ethiopia again this March and I can't wait to take these beautiful notes of encouragement over to the kids! Last year all the unsponsored kids got the same photocopied letter from our leadership team and it made me sad that we couldn't give them each something more unique and personal. I'm so excited about what these girls are doing!
~Renee Stauffer, for Partners With Ethiopia
Yea! My sister should be sending them to you some time in December. I think her goal was 500 by December!!! So excited! Let me know how we can better partner with you!
Hi Jodi,
We still have 69 unsponsored kids in the two programs we are currently funding, with 150 kids waiting in the wings who have been profiled for sponsorship at a third site. The need is so great. Would you be willing to link to our blog/website/facebook page? Our biggest need at this point is to spread the word and find more sponsors.
Thank you so much for asking!