1000 Gifts
So, I go to write this post – just so that you know there is more to me and my blog than reviews . . .
And I find myself disappointed.
I haven’t written anything down in my journal that I am thankful for since I last updated my 1000 gifts.
Maybe that’s my problem.
Not really. I know what my problem is and it is getting fixed. It feels so good. Thank you , Jesus.
Looking through my pictures . . . I came up with an impromptu list of which I am quite proud.
153. A new resolve to spend time in the Word. Really In. The. Word. not just a topical study. A book of the Bible. With Kay. MacKenzie. Sarah. Inductive. Like a gentle spring rain to a freshly planted garden, is this Bible study to my soul.
154. A thirst to date Jesus again. Finally. To be won over by Him. To desire to live for Him. Dying to myself. Such a good feeling. Such assurance.
155. Finding my favorite colored pencils after having been lost for as long as I took my vacation from my Bible.
156. A birthday date with the Engineer.
157. Asher placing birthday cards all over my bedroom for me to discover after our perfect date. He has learned well. Of course, he has a good teacher.
158. Two Mother’s Day quiches turning out perfectly. And yes, I do plan on sharing the recipe one of these days.
159. A little boy who learned how to swing . . . for my birthday gift.
160. That same little boy who demonstrate bravery and had his tooth pulled without tears or timidity.
161. Her smiles.
162. His curls. And concentration. (PS. Gabe’s turning 3 tomorrow!)
163. Awana (is over . . . we just need a break from activity. Nothing against Awana.) Having all the grandparents there for the Awards Ceremony this year was priceless.
164. Dinner with Nicole while our Engineer’s went to play in the woods.
165. Answers to prayer and a little boy name Lukas being restored to health.
166. Using behavioral issues as learning lessons and opportunities to disciple. Thank you Sally Clarkson, The Ministry of Motherhood.
167. Grace bestowed upon me through Jolanthe.
168. Talks of skirts with Melanie.
169. Restorative comments from Michelle.
170. A sweet gift from my mom that she left for me prior to her vacation.