19 Years Ago Today
On this day 19 years ago, I met the Engineer.
(Prom – the Engineer couldn’t drive yet.)
Two of our closest friends I set us up on a blind date. I wore a bright red, cropped sweater with black jeans. He wore a green shirt with purple long sleeves and a pair of jeans that I later inherited, though I had to cinch the waist with a belt.
We were young. In high school. New in Jesus.
We were young. In college. Learning how to be pure faithful in Jesus.
We were young. Newlywed. Skiing our way down the mountains of Colorado.
We were young. Adventurous. Trekking all over India.
We were still young. Dog owners. Free to do whatever we wanted to in our spare time.
We are now middle-aged. In love. Parents. Still sneaking kisses. And staying up late talking. We find any excuse to go on a date . . . to celebrate . . . to hang out together.
Dear Engineer, thanks for knocking on my side door 19 years ago with a rose. I’m thankful that you still make me giggle and get goose bumps all over.
Happy 19 years of dating.