How to Make Masala Chai
Whenever someone, really anyone, comes over to my house, I make Chai.
It is tradition and everyone knows it. In fact, I have found that my friends are disappointed when I don’t have any milk. Certain people have been known to stop by a grocery store to pick up milk so I could make chai when they arrived.
I look for any and every opportunity to make chai.
Why I Make Chai
It all started when we lived in India. I was domestic. Everyone else was an engineer or an architect.
By making chai, I fit in. I felt like I had a purpose.
I was the chai-walla.
So, though much counseling over chai with my therapist, I have come to realize that I make chai obsessively because it makes me feel comfortable, important, needed. It welcomes guests.
It also welcomes me into my quiet times with God.
The Perfect Cuppa Masala Chai
(the proportions are really to my tastes–play around with it)
- 1/2 mug water
- 1/2 mug whole milk (raw tastes better)
- fresh, peeled ginger (about the size of your fingernail)
- spoonful of loose Assam black tea (or any STRONG black tea)
- spoonful of raw honey (or cane sugar)
OPTIONAL: You can add a few cardamon pods, cloves, cinnamon bark and ginger to the boiling water for Masala Chai or Special Chai.
Additionally, increase all ingredients in this recipe (except ginger) for each cup you are making.
Bring filtered water, spices, and sugar to a boil.
Add tea and let steep until desired strength. (I like my chai dark brown.)
Add milk and bring mixture to almost boiling.
Watch out that the chai doesn’t boil over (not that I have ever done this)!
Strain solids.
Add raw honey (if you didn’t use sugar) to desired sweetness.
Directions for the Rushed Chai Drinker
If you don’t have a lot of time, dump everything together (minus the tea) until the liquid boils. Then add tea and steep until it because a dark tan. Strain solids.
Don’t forget to put all the tea leaves and solids (that sounds gross) in your compost bin!
Note: Homemade Masala chai is cheaper than buying a box of pre-made Chai at the grocery store or a national coffee chain.

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this makes me want to make a cup right now. chai is so soothing, i grew to really love curling up with a cup & a book some years back.
Looks amazing! Will definitely try this. I'm more of a 'make stuff from scratch and quality ingredients' person myself. Over the past 15 years I have changed my diet, exercise, recycling and composting ideals, birthing methods, etc. and people have asked if I'm a 'granola' (no offense, but they are big in Colorado, especially in Boulder which isn't far from me). Always shocks people when I tell them, 'I'm a Christian and I just do things more the way God intended for us to do them'. Isn't it also wonderful to find that when we do it that way, everything is 100% better, healthier, safer, etc.? Enjoyed reading through some of your blogs. Thanks for stopping by mine today :o)
Hi Jodi….hope you and your family are enjoying the crisper days of Fall! It has just turned cold yesterday in NC. We had 85 on sat!!! I have loved Chai tea for 8 years now….just want to share the newest recipe I am using….it is Coconut Milk in a carton and Oregon Chai, Chai Tea Latte in a carton…..mix 1/2 of each and heat or drink cold……soooooo yummy!!!! Please sign me up to receive your 31 days of October….could not find where to sign up on your page.
I’ll sign you up!
Grocery fun is tomorrow…getting what I don’t already have in the fridge so that I can try this tomorrow evening…You lived in India?! That is awesome!!
Did you find everything you needed to make chai?