You’re Gonna Love Me: Tropical Traditions Lavender Liquid Soap
For a long time, I never liked the smell of lavender. I guess it reminded me of old women.
Or perhaps I had never smelled pure lavender essential oil. When you smell the good stuff . . . ahh, it is pure nostril enjoyment.
I use lavender essential oil for a variety of body ailments and for relaxation. I have only successfully grown lavender in my garden once.
Lavender and I are friends. When I discovered that Tropical Traditions had combined lavender with their coconut liquid foam soap . . . my hands begged me to try it out.
And they weren’t disappointed.
I wash my hands a lot throughout the day. During the winter season, I used to DREAD washing my hands. They would become painfully dry and split from all of the times I had to wash my hands after changing a diaper to washing dishes for five people . . .
BUT I just realized that this year I have YET to have this problem.
I have the Tropical Traditions liquid soap foam pump at my kitchen sink. And I hope that I don’t gross you out, but often I wait to wash my hands from a dirty diaper that was changed upstairs until I get to the kitchen sink downstairs. The lavender hand soap smells good and leaves my hands feeling soft and moisturized without using lotion!
You won’t believe the ingredient list – organic virgin coconut oil and an organic essential oil, if that is what you ordered! They are packaged in a foam pump dispenser that adds air to the soap, causing a rich lather of foam to come out. You can also purchase a 32 oz refill container and use the foaming pump over and over again (that is what we do for our bathroom dispenser).
Want to win a
Tropical Traditions Lavender Liquid Foam Soap Pump?
Please, please, please . . .do not put more than one entry per comment. I will be using to pick the winners. So if you would like for your comments to count, leave individual comments ON THE BLOG (click on that link), NOT FACEBOOK.
All options are worth 1 entry, unless otherwise stated. My real-life friends can enter this giveaway.
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- Grab my Granola Mom 4 God button and place it on your blog for all to see!
- Tell me the three scents of Tropical Traditions foaming soap that are available.
- Buy something from Tropical Traditions. When they ask you how you heard about Tropical Traditions, list my sponsor id (5498794). I won’t make any money off of this . . . but I will get a coupon for other Tropical Traditions products.)
- Tell me your tip for dealing with pregnancy nausea.
Remember, only #1 is mandatory. The rest of the entries are optional, but you MUST comment separately for each one.
The Fine Print: I will email you when you have won. I must have your email address to alert you to your prize. You can include that in your comment or email me separately at thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com. You must respond within 48 hours.
Contest ends 03/01/10 at Midnight
Author’s Note: I was given this product to review from Tropical Traditions, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine unless otherwise noted.