The Vintage Remedies Guide to: Real Food
I know . . . I know . . . I told you the reviews would be less. And they are. I have turned some things down.
But this review AND giveaway is relevant to one of the reasons that my blog exists . . . to blab about whole foods.
The Vintage Remedies Guide to Real Foods by Jessie Hawkins is a pretty cool book.
A primer.
An "I’m going to wet your appetite" type of book that like the movie, Food Inc., will encourage you to make NECESSARY changes . . . which really aren’t nearly as overwhelming as you would think.
And the book isn’t boring. Some non-fiction, practical books can really be dull, dry, you only read it if all of your riveting fiction books have been consumed.
I actually have been reading this book over my “book club” book . . . don’t get me wrong, The Sunnyside by A. A. Milne, is a fun book but author Jessie Hawkins has been teaching me some new things.
I love her practical list to abide by when choosing what to eat – consider the following things before you allow your hand to launch something into your mouth . . .
- Where was the food baked, cooked, or prepared?
- Do you recognize the ingredients?
- Does the item look like something you have seen in nature?
- Could you make this in a well-stocked home given time and talent?
- If you made this food at home, how long would it last?
- How long has the food been part of the human diet?
You know, I could write so many more interesting facts about this book (considering how much I have highlighted), but . . . I want you to read it for yourself. It is important to become educated about your food sources. Just because you can buy it in the grocery story . . . doesn’t mean it is good food, or real food for that matter.
Would you like to win the extra copy I have of this book? Seriously . . . it is a good read. Informative. It even has some recipes!!!
I’m going to make this simple. Three ways to enter, the first one being mandatory AND the comment has to be made on THE BLOG:
1. Tell me about your most healthy and favorite food to eat.
2. Tweet or blog about the giveaway!
3. Watch Food Inc. or Supersize Me and tell me something that you learned. (Both movies can be rented from Netflix!)
By the way, Jessie Hawkins does have a Facebook page, if you are interested. You can also purchase this book for $18.95 at Amazon or from The Vintage Remedies website.
Giveaway ends June 7, 2010.
Open to US Residents only. (Sorry, I am paying the shipping for this.)
Two copies of this book were provided to me for free from Vintage Remedies as a direct result of my partnership with MamaBuzz. And if you really want to make sure that you win this book, several other ladies over at MamaBuzz will be hosting this same giveaway!