I Entered the World of Chutney
I enjoy a good chutney. Now, the only ones I have experienced have been used to properly digest Indian food.
I read a blog post about cherry chutney (that for the life of me can’t find), and simply could not get it out of my mind. I purposed in my heart to make it . . . despite the fact that we are moving this week.
But I am slightly obsessed with fermenting.
It really was easy to make. I don’t know why I haven’t experimented with fermenting fruit sooner than the busiest season of my life thus far.
What made it easy was the cherry pitter. I highly recommend that you get one if you like cherries.
Cherry Chutney
- 4 cups of cherries, pitted and quartered
- 1/2 tsp coriander seeds
- 1/2 tsp whole cloves
- grated rind and juice of an orange
- 1/2 cup of cane sugar
- 1/4 cup whey
- 2 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 cup water
Mix the beautiful red cherries with spices, orange rind and liquids. Transfer ingredients into a wide mouth mason jar and press down lightly. I found that my Vita Mix wand worked perfect for this task. Add more water if you need to so that your cherries are fully submerged. Tighten your jar securely and allow this colorful creation to sit out on your counter for 2 days, before placing it in your refrigerator.
Can’t wait to try mine in the new house!