Last Hurrah
The definition of a last hurrah is as such: the last time you go out overnight with your spouse in complete freedom, unencumbered by a diaper bag or worrying about feedings, before your newborn baby arrives.
The secondary reason a couple would go on a Last Hurrah is to pick out the tag-along baby’s name.
We did go on a Last Hurrah this past weekend, BUT we did not accomplish the desired result of a baby name for Sweet Pea. However, the little girl did make her presence known. I had contractions the entire weekend.
I wish I could tell you the four names on the list and take a blog vote, but I can’t.
But I am showing you a few pictures of our fun weekend.
Slow Foods Garden in Downtown Indy
We were pretty excited about the design of this garden . . . and hope to model some of its layout in our garden this coming spring.
Enjoying the Indianapolis Museum of Art
The IMA is a photographers playground!
The view for my Quiet Time
And I know you are waiting for our traditional and very mature pictures of what is allowed as a very special treat in our family . . . adults included in this particular circumstance. The family rule is that if you stay in a hotel you get to jump on the bed. We couldn’t let our boys down! They were expecting a picture.
And I know you want to see a pregnant lady jump on a bed . . .
Hope you had a good weekend!