Tummy Time Tuesday: Brussel Sprouts
Your taste buds are supposed to change every seven years. I’ve also heard that in order for a child to learn to like something unusual, you have to present the new food to them something like seven times.
Seven is a good number.
I should have cooked seven brussel sprouts last week. Maybe more than the adults would have enjoyed dinner. But I didn’t.
However, I will continue to introduce my children’s taste buds to all varieties of God’s garden veggies and to see if my new taste buds like brussel sprouts as a grown-up (though I NEVER remember having them as a child).
Jodi liked it. Brian liked it. Mussie probably would have liked it. But that is all.
I followed the directions. I was worried that if I didn’t . . . they would become bitter. That is what happens when these vegetables see too much heat.
(NOTE: the below paragraphs really don’t relate to this blog post what-so-ever. I have tried to delete this section several times . . . but each time my finger contacts the delete button . . . I feel like I am supposed to leave my grasping of straws to connect a biblical application to my parboiling of brussel sprouts. So if you are confused by my short Bible lesson . . . so am I. BUT it is supposed to be included in this post. For whoever God wants to be reminded of this lesson . . . I pray it blesses you. By the way, it comes from Beth Moore’s study, Living Beyond Yourself.)
Kind of reminds me what I read in my Bible study this morning. It actually doesn’t totally relate, but nevertheless, here is some food for your soul, as well as your stomach.
Philippians 4:4 tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!” So no matter what your circumstances . . . perhaps you are finding yourself in some hot water like my brussel sprouts (I’m reaching here), rejoice.
Beth Moore eloquently expands on Philippians by saying, “Through his trials Paul learned something I believe God desires for all believers to learn: the presence, purpose, and power of God is best discovered through difficulty. How encouraging to recognize that Paul did not discover the strength to leave his circumstances (Acts 16:16-40); he discovered the strength to stay. Because he did, places for a jailer and his entire family were reserved in the Lambs book of life!”
Truly something to rejoice about. Look around you . . . look at the good and seemingly bad in your life. Don’t let yourself be overcooked. Choose to rejoice, instead of becoming bitter.
Tasty Brussel Sprouts –
almost Sweet Brussel Sprouts
- 1 lb fresh brussels sprouts
- 4-6 Tbsp coconut oil or butter
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- Salt and Pepper
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/4 cup chopped almonds
Remove any slightly mysterious looking leaves and send the stem of the brussel sprout to the gallows.
Parboil the brussels sprouts (or steam them) for 3 minutes or until just tender. They should be almost cooked all the way through. If your green ball is looking deflated . . . you boiled the little guy too long.
Drain the bobble-head-like brussel sprouts in a colander and run cold water to stop the sprout from cooking and allow them to keep their vibrant youthful green color.
Cut the sprouts into halves (or quarters).
Heat 2-3 Tbsp of coconut oil in a skillet on medium heat. Add the onions and cook until translucent, about 4-5 minutes.
Add 2-3 Tbsp more of coconut oil and the brussels sprout quarters. Increase the heat and cook for several more minutes. Remember an overcooked brussel sprout is a bitter brussel sprout!
Salt and pepper to taste, while the brussels sprouts are cooking.
Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the lemon juice and add the almonds.
Pairs perfectly with couscous . . . which we had leftover from an amazing Algerian meal that my friend, Sarah, had made earlier in the week.
Serves 6-8.
Our Sponsors:

Wow. Thank you. Your reference to the Beth Moore study touched my heart today. I need to rely on the strength of God to help me stay the course right now in a challenging situation. I keep trying to figure it all out on my own, but that is not my job. I need to obey, trust and wait on His will to direct me.
Making these next week! Thanks so much.