The Motherhood Garden
I feel a little bit like my garden. All winter it felt like my heart was cold and hard . . . filled with weeds.
Just like my garden.
That is what happens when you ignore something.
As Indiana began to warm up, I found my heart thawing just a little bit. At the same time, our garden began to transform with each day that we were able to spend outside . . .working in it. Spending some time, attention, and care in it.
Investing in our garden, our soil.
With each soil amendment, my heart is getting nurtured. Restored.
I’m finding that I’m spending more time in my garden planning, preparing, weeding, and dreaming . . .and that in turn leads to more time in my heart doing the very same things.
A crop is emerging.
I’m so excited to discover what the produce will look like.
What will my heart look like by the end of the summer?
The soil of my heart is being enriched with good doses of scripture (from my Precept Upon Precept study of Matthew), The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson with Good Morning Girls, 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae, and Warrior Prayers by Brooke McGlothlin.
Only in the introduction, the words of Sally Clarkson are lining up with the Holy Spirit’s teaching in the book of Matthew.
If I am going to provide “authentic strength that comes from the true foundation of a biblical world-view and a proper understanding of the real Christ who is worthy of worship,” then I too have to have a strength that comes from a true foundation . . . a foundation firmly grounded in knowing the Word of God. I have got to have a faith that is the same and looks real day in and day out . . . steady in any type of weather, around any type of person, or through a variety of circumstances.
I have been affirmed that my ministry (besides my husband) right now IS MY CHILDREN. And that is OK.
I don’t have to do all the things at church . . .women’s ministry, children’s ministry, VBS, etc. Though they are all wonderful ministries . . . I need to make sure that I am tending to my home well.
— That my children know if we get in the car to go to church, mommy isn’t going to be yelling the whole way at them and then put on a happy face once that foot steps down on the church parking lot.
Consistency. Unconditional love. Grace.
Modeling truth even when we are in the garden. The real garden. Patience just to plant a seed. Not blowing up when the entire packet is spilled, or a plant stepped on, or when my plant markers are snapped by inquisitive little hands. Or when try as they might, little hands can’t get tiny seeds into a tiny hole. Patience. Grace when teaching.
In Matthew, I have learned that first John came to warn that the Kingdom of God was near, One was coming who would baptize with the Holy Spirit
. Jesus came announcing that He was the Kingdom of God. Jesus then taught His disciples . . . and finally the torch was passed on to Paul. Teach about the Kingdom of God. Teach about Jesus. Jesus is the Kingdom of God.
By applying what I am learning through The Ministry of Motherhood, I found a growing Asher standing beside me wondering how I came up with the symbols in my Bible; so, I taught him. Why did I put a crown around that word . . . kingdom?
Everything in me wanted to scream, “Go Away!!!! This is my time!”
But held my tongue and we read through Matthew 3.
“Mom, I really want to get baptized. When can I get baptized?”
Thank you, Lord. Thank you for using a little boy’s inquisitiveness to color in his Bible so that he would learn about baptism. Affording him the blessing and opportunity of showing others that he believes in Jesus (despite ME!).
And that in turn led to the Engineer getting baptized. too.
What if I had been harsh? Shown frustration?
Kind of like when you pull too aggressively to thin your plant transplants. You kill both the good and the bad.
Thankfully, I listened. I shared about the Kingdom of God with Asher. What an amazing time for the nation of Israel! 1 Samuel speaks of the nation rejecting God being king over them . . . and now . . . here is Jesus returning . . . returning to be their King!!!!! And though many rejected Him . . . many listened.
Good stuff is growing here . . . good stuff.
- Don’t forget to share about your quiet times here . . .
- Your children’s quiet times here . . .
- And sign up to be a part of my online group for praying for our sons collectively for 21 days . . . you do not have to have a blog to participate . . . only email or a phone at the very least so that I can encourage you.
I am linking up with Jolanthe over at No Ordinary Moments for the Good Morning Girls and with the Homeschool Village to share how are gardens are growing . . .
By the way . . . here is a picture made from locally grown produce . . . but not my own . . . yet!