If I Were to Give You A Baby Gift: How to Cook Real Food Giveaway
Nourishing food is important.
It is so important that it is one (of many) reasons Granola Mom 4 God exists.
Nourishing food has made a radical impact on our family’s life.
I used to be very SAD when I ate.
Meaning, I used to eat the Standard American Diet.
- white flour
- white sugar
- white rice
- diet coke
- microwave dinners
- foods with a shelf life exceeding what seems reasonable
- fast food
- synthetic vitamins
- tap water
- foods laced with hormones and antibiotics
- corn syrup
SAD is cheap. But what I saved in the grocery story, I ended up spending at the doctor’s office.
I realized that my SAD diet was seriously affecting me when my doctor considered ordering a prescription for me to manage my PCOS.
We wanted kids. Not drugs.
And the swiss cheese that my female insides looked like . . . simply didn’t want to work towards the goal of adding people to our dining room table.
So . . . I ditched the SAD diet.
Enter whole foods (prayer, exercise, and an herbalist).
Meet my family.
“They” say that you should start eating for a baby about a year before you want to conceive. Take your prenatal vitamins. Even dad should be consuming healthy foods . . . avoiding chemicals.
And hot tubs {ahem}.
So let me give you a gift . . .
a gift of well being . . . of healing . . . of nourishment . . .
whether you are thinking about getting pregnant, are pregnant, nursing, or feeding an infant —
You. Need. My. Gift.
(Thanks to Jenny over at The Nourished Kitchen.)
Probably the most important gift I could give you out of my virtual baby gift basket.
Amber necklaces are good.
Bacteria is great.
Slings – oh so snuggly.
Food that causes families to linger at the table. Meals that cause the fork to recline in the hand and words to sprinkle like salt into the air over the dining room table. . . .
Real food is a gift. I enjoy giving this gift. It is ever so much fun to delight our guests with a visually appealing and hearty meal (usually from Simple Dinners).
A meal full of flavor. Spices that cause our guest to reminisce about a sight or smell it evokes as it slides over their tongue.
What is my gift (rather Jenny’s gift for the online baby shower)?
a tuition-free enrollment to the online cooking class,
How to Cook Real Food (hello . . . a $199 value!)
Can you say, WOW!
Totally generous. Thanks, Jenny.
Who? Anyone. But I’m going say primarily the cook of the family. Because we need to be laying a firm foundation and providing our children with the necessary building blocks to grow healthy bodies and a sound minds.
What is it? It’s an online cooking class with 45 videos, worksheets and everything you need to know about preparing traditional foods from scratch and in season. Check out the lesson details and get a glimpse with this sneak preview.
When? Classes begin September 1st. But if you are starting school, like us come September . . . you can watch, download, print, and prepa
re . . . whenever you want.
Even 60 years from now.
Where? Well, Jenny lives in Colorado. But you can take this course anywhere there is a computer and internet. Even in your pajamas. On your roof. In a car.
Why? You and your family will feel so much better.
How? The fact is that you can make time if it is something that you want to do. So stop making excuses. Take the course . . .
(a $149 value before September 15th . . . and a $199 value thereafter!)
Does any of this appeal to you . . . tug on your heart a bit? Enter the giveaway, then!
- 12 Comprehensive, Multimedia Online Classes
- Exclusive Recorded Conference Calls to chat with other real food lovers and get your questions answered
- 45 Instructional Videos Teaching You How to Cook Real Food
- Over 100 Tried-and-true Real Food Recipes
- Digital Workbook for each lesson to Take Notes & Develop Your Own Recipes
- Charts Outlining Seasonally Available Foods
- Charts outlining methods for soaking beans, legumes, nuts and seeds
- Spreadsheets that’ll help you take a kitchen inventory,develop a grocery budget and plan meals
- Fact Sheets and Handy Tips Analyzing the Value of Real Food
- Whole-grain and Grain-free baking tips.
- Simple Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Menu Planning Bonus Pack
Enter NOW to win the Nourished Kitchen Real Food course . . .
Mandatory: Sign up to receive Nourished Kitchen newsletters here. (Don’t worry, you won’t be spammed. The newsletters might make you hungry though . . . and you’ll get great coupon codes.)
Extra Entries: (make sure to list each entry as a separate comment):
- Tweet daily about this giveaway. You can use the following pre-written tweet:
Want to be a GREAT cook? Giveaway from Nourished Kitchen, How to cook real food over @GranolaMom4God http://j.mp/qXflL9
- Subscribe to my blog, so that you can learn about my other baby must-haves and the great coupon code for this course plus free 3-month subscription to Simple Dinners after the giveaway winner is announced.
Like Granola Mom 4 God on Facebook .. . and share about the giveaway while you are at it.
- Become a Fan!
- Follow Jenny on Twitter.
- Like Nourished Kitchen on Facebook.
- Give yourself an extra entry if you subscribe to Simple Dinners or you took the Get Cultured course.
Contest ends: September 5, 2011. Winner will be notified by email and given 48 hours to respond. Open to the world. If you already purchased the course, you will be refunded!