Doing the hCG Diet Sans Help
Well, the day that seemed far off, looms in my future.
Yesterday was the very last day I took an hCG injection.
That means the hCG will be actively working in my system for two more days.
Today and tomorrow.
And then, I have to burn calories all by myself. Enter exercising. Counting calories. Making wise choices. Not giving in to temptation.
I Have Changed
I have changed as a result of the hCG Diet. The crazy and abnormal cravings have all but disappeared.
I can smell baked goodies and not feel deprived.
I have little tolerance for overly sweet things, and even leave them unfinished should I partake in an eating detour.
Even on vacation in Colorado I found myself demonstrating self-control. We went to a FABULOUS Thai restaurant. I “could” have eaten the entire meal and the Engineer would have been none-the-wiser that I was stuffed.
Miraculously, I stopped. I was just done.
I have no desire to have a love affair with what I eat any more.
I feel free. Free from food’s pull for the first time in years, if not two decades.
hCG Phase 3
The hCG Diet has four phases.
Phase 1: Loading . . . two days of pure gluttony
Phase 2: hCG injections and following a strict 500-calorie meal plan
Phase 3: This phase focuses on stabilizing and training your body’s metabolism. It should help to reset the body and hypothalamus. You can eat a wide variety of foods, with the exception of heavy starches and sugars. You are supposed to remain on this phase 21 days and stay within 3 pounds of your last weigh-in on Phase 2.
Because I still have 23 more pounds to lose, my doctor has me deviating from this plan. (Read on!)
Phase 4: Also lasting 21 days, starches and sugars are slowly integrated into the diet. Make sure to NEVER EVER go back to the foods of before the hCG Diet. So long as you don’t force yourself to eat cake and ice cream or mochas everyday, you have a good chance of maintaining your new weight.
The New Plan
I met with my doctor yesterday.
She was slightly giddy. My appointment was fun. I felt like a rock star.
In total, I have lost 23 pounds in last 38 days.
My body said goodbye to 16 inches of bulge.
I actually gained muscle mass. And my body became more efficient.
Translation: I don’t have to eat as much.
According to the doctor’s office magical machine, I only need about 1500 calories a day. Do you realize that we are often told to eat 2000 calories a day?
I’ve been duped!
The plan of attack to loose the last 23 pounds is to focus
- on eating between 300-500 calories per day less than I need, based upon exertion level
- drink 1 gallon of water a day (still)
- build muscle through weight training
- And to insure that I build muscle and not digest it, I will be taking some additional supplements.
Which brings me to my goal: to lose 5 pounds a week.
How Will I Lose 5 Pounds a Week?
I’m still working on this.
I am researching calorie counting armbands. In fact, I really like the BodyMedia Fit armband.
While I don’t want to purchase a piece of expensive equipment, if it will help hold me accountable (like my doctor’s supervision and pricking myself with a needle everyday), then it sure would be a lot cheaper than going on the hCG Diet again or acquiring some disease caused by obesity.
Does anyone have experience on calorie counter armbands? I only know about them from observing Biggest Loser contestants use them.
Speaking of Biggest Loser, I just have to show you this cool exercise toy. I was scouring the Biggest Loser website today and discovered this super-duper-fun looking exercise equipment, called the UltraSlide, of which my boys agreed would be a nice addition to our home. {grins}
I could see watching Biggest Loser while using the UltraSlide – not to mention putting the UltraSlide in the classroom while we memorize our Classical Conversations timeline.
Just thinking out loud here.
What Food Will I Eat?
I am thankful that I won’t necessarily have to cook two meals now.
But I have to plan meals with my calorie budget in mind. While WORTH the time to properly plan, I am going to have to be more disciplined in this area. I loathe menu planning and grocery shopping.
Most likely, I will pull out my Perfect Weight America meal plans . . . as I really respect the creator of these menu plans, Jordan Rubin. Not to mention, pre-hCG I lost 5 pounds the first week on this diet.
I do know that my chewing will involve high protein, root vegetables, and minimal grain (unless it is sprouted).
I am so excited to eat yogurt.
Linking up with the fine ladies participating in the Get Healthy Get Fit Challenge over at Sidetracked Sarah.

That contraption looks FUN!!!! I wish we had a room large enough to leave it out. I bet we’d all take a turn or two on it!
Congratulations on your weight loss, but more so, on learning to read your body’s cues. That’s the biggest take away I’ve had as well. I simply do not need as much food as I used to eat.
Thank you for your honesty throughout this process!!!!