Stickers Encourage Reading
When my children were born they came out holding stickers.
The fascination with stickers has only increased with each breath of air.
When you combine stickers with any school subject, I have discovered that while the learning may take longer, the younger generation is happier. I typically just apply an oil for happiness.
I have a longer time to sip my tea as fine motor skills are further developed alongside good phonetic skills.
Letting Go Of My OCD Regarding Stickers
However, I will admit that it took me some time to encourage allow my sticker-lovers to use painfully tiny stickers to reward successfully read words. (Somehow I end up finding said small stickers on the floor and thus stuck to my foot. They really aren’t very – sticky.)
What if we wanted to go back and re-read the paper? {snort}
Stickers for All About Reading
So for you moms who have kids who get a little overwhelmed with the length of your All About Reading Practice pages, try stickers.
I am beginning to think that endorphins are released that encourage the completion of each page when my son sees the vast amount of happy stickers on his practice reading page.
(This blog post does contain affiliate links in an effort to pay for the hosting of this website, tea, stickers, and dog food.)
What out-of-the-box idea do you allow your child to do that encourages him/her?