Do You Want to Lose Weight?
There are things in life that are humorous. And sometimes the irony is known only to us. A few weeks ago, I was asked by my dear bold friend (MaKenzie) to head up the health and weight loss portion of her Bold Year Challenge.
Coffee spewed all over my iPhone as I read her text.
In private, I said to the Lord, “Did you REALLY have to listen to me that time? You know the time where I was desperate and feeling rather despicable? That whole conversation was only supposed to be between you and I.”
The Part Where I Publically Announce, I’m Losing Weight . . . Again
Because I had asked Him to help hold me accountable to losing the last of my weight, start exercising, get off of ALL sugar (yes, even honey), better support my husband in his unique diet, and really look and feel every bit of the health educator that I am.
I just never planned on being overly public about what I hoped would be a noticeable transformation. That way, if I failed –
You. wouldn’t. know. It’s better that way. Safer.
Just one other friend knew that I signed up to be a part of the I Quit Sugar challenge. Because she was joining me. It is an 8 week accountability program – that is going to be . . . hard. But good. But stinky. And starts this week. And she offered to stick by my side, walk through it with me, and help me help you.
Her name is Renee. (and this is her story)
The Part Where Renee Tells You Her Weight Loss Success
I am a wife and mother of 3 children age 6, 4, and 16 months. We are a self employed, homeschooling family who loves Jesus.
So we are busy.
I know chaos.
I know fatigue and I know how easy it is to just throw in the towel on a commitment to taking care of myself. I’ve been there, done that and now I wear that ratty ole shirt when I workout.
I’ve not always been over weight but as far back as I can recall I’ve struggled with my weight. I remember my mom trying to entice me to lose weight with promises of new clothes. Nothing ever seemed to work.
Then my pediatrician gave me some sage advice at a school physical when I was 15. He said, “Renee unless you want to end up like your mother and I you have got to make some changes. You can eat a Twinkie every once in a while just not the entire box.” (I never did like Twinkies & I’m pretty certain Dr. Mangerrovich knew that too.)
So I started making small changes and lost about 30 pounds to put me at a healthy weight. I went out for some high school sports and activities and kept it off. The fat kid was no longer there externally — but I still was fat on the inside.
I still thought of my weight each and every time I’d take a bite to eat.
I constantly struggled with should I be eating this or something more healthy?
I went to college on an Army ROTC scholarship, majored in Exercise Science and Wellness. After college, before entering the military, I worked as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer and managed a Women’s only fitness center.
I was healthy and fit.
However, sometimes life gets away from you, your plans, focus and career path changes. After I got out of the military and got married. (Insert Jodi: Her husband does a great Toby Mac impersonation and can break at least 5 boards at once.)
Fitness went on vacation because I was commuting an hour one way to my job at a bank. IF you know anything about banking Fridays are crazy busy, so we rewarded ourselves each Friday with a huge pitch in of junk food of all varieties — that I would graze on all day long while running back and forth between my desk as an office manager and a teller’s window. (phew) I would skip my lunch break in order to ensure each teller got a chance to go to lunch and needless to say I gained weight and gained weight fast.
My first year of marriage I gained 30 pounds and at my top weight I weighed 243. Folks that is “Biggest Loser” contestant/ gastric bypass surgery candidate weight. I never considered either of these but just knowing that I was that large was humbling.
I managed to lose 40 lbs after I changed jobs and went into teaching. Then I had 2 babies and thought we were done adding to our family, so I worked really hard and lost 20 more. That same year we were blessed with our 3rd child.
Fortunately weight gain during pregnancy has never been a huge issue for me. I only gained 20lbs with each pregnancy and was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight by 6 weeks post partum. After the birth of child # 3 I was determined that no matter what I was going to regain my health. My goal was to get down to within 5 lbs of my college weight, when I was my very healthiest.
I had my goal but I need my method.
This is where Beach Body enters the picture. A friend of mine is a Beach Body coach and had talked to me about the programs and this product called Shakeology. (Insert Jodi: I admit – I drink this too – the Vegan Chocolate.) Once I got the all clear from my doctor at my 6 week check I called her and told her I was ready to go.
I ordered Les mills Pump Challenge pack. Which was the workouts and a 1 month supply of Shakeology.
Like I said I was committed. I figured if after 30 days I didn’t see any results I could send it back and get a refund. However, I lost both weight and inches and had more energy and best of all I had not experienced any of the baby blues I had with my other two children. I was convinced this was my vehicle to regain my health.
Over the next 6 months I lost nearly 50 lbs. That is when I decided I wanted to pay it forward and help others struggling with health/ wellness issues. I became a Beach Body coach and now I get to share my experience to help motivate others to make positives changes in their lives.
The Part Where We Invite You
And together we are going to “PUMP – you up!” (Is that a blast from the past or what?)
I have watched Renee’s transformation. And it has been AMAZING.
Now it is time to replicate that. Renee and I have to walk the talk for the next 8 weeks during our I Quit Sugar program. We paid money to lose weight and overcome our sugar addiction. Quite honestly you can reap the benefits of coasting off of what we will be learning.
The Part Where We Ask You To Join US!
The weight loss challenge will begin February 17th, to allow you enough time to order your workout kit and savor the chocolate on Valentine’s Day.
- Purchase the Les Mills Pump workout from my husband, The Engineer. I personally recommend the Les Mills Pump Challenge pack because it includes the Shakeology protein mix. Now, I don’t think you should spend your life drinking protein powder in lieu of real food, but for a short season like 8 weeks or up to 90 days, I have seen this safe food work effectively when consumed for breakfast or lunch. When you purchase through my husband, then Renee will be sending you an email inviting you to be a part of a small group that will provide accountability, support, and tips.
- Read I Quit Sugar with me.
- Let me know that you want to join this weight loss/fitness group.
The Part Where You Stay Tuned:
- Shakeology giveaway
- Blendtec giveaway
The Part Where We Get Real
So, do you want to loose weight? What is stopping you right now?