40 Percent off Meal Plans
I’m always talking about my menu plans . . . well, today is the day to catch them at a great, reduced price.
40% OFF
I started out using The Nourished Kitchen weekly menu plans soon after Naomi was born. I didn’t have the time to scour my Nourishing Traditions cookbook. I just wanted to be told what ingredients to purchase, when to cook it, what needed to be done ahead, and learn something new along the way . . . a new soup, ferment, or dessert.
Jenny’s meal plans fit the bill. The majority of my recipes come from her menus. (She said I could repost them.)
So . . . three dinners a week. (Very little grain . . . but FABULOUS taste!) The perfect amount of food for us. The perfect amount of time.
To get Simple Meal Plans click here. Be sure to enter the code BLACK40 . . . to receive 40% off the already reasonably priced Simple Menu Plans.
But then I discovered that perhaps our family needed to do some serious healing . . . we were showing some signs of a stressed out immune system.
To reboot our bodies, heal and seal our gut linings, we began to use Cara’s GAPS diet Monthly Menu plans.
My body thrives on this menu plan . . . as does Ezra’s system.
Be sure to enter BLACK40 at checkout! Today only!
By the way, there are affiliate links in this post. But I do use these menu plans on a regular basis.