June Feels Like February plus My Books and Our House
June feels like February so you should read books. You could probably earn points for it at your local library.
I say that for two reasons.
Reason #1: I last wrote during the soul-destroying, blistery days of February. That was before I launched a huge new website, decided to redecorate our home by painting nearly every room, went to Idaho to plant trees, attended two homeschooling conventions (both out of state), finished Classical Conversations, graduated two black belts, had a fantastic birthday that lasted for nearly a month, accelerated the aging process at Kings Island and celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary.
Reason #2: As I sit in my Nesting Place inspired family room this morning, the last days of June are rather arctic (if you ask me, but I do have a tendency to exaggerate — or so I have been told) . . . and uninspiring (at least here in Central Indiana).
Since I can’t go outside to finish dispersing the 7 yards of mulch that I am tired of looking at, I have more time on my hands than anticipated. And I choose to exercise my hands by typing.
Perched comfortably in my chair, I feel inclined to share with you what I have been reading.
These books have been defining books that I have been aggressively and compulsively reading because the truths within them have created amazing ripples of creativity in compounding proportions.
- The Bible (of course) I have been studying the books Philemon and James.
- The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell — I love this book because it is applicable for all types of people with various motivations (or rather lack of motivation).
- The Hormone Reset Diet by Dr. Sara Gottfried (Hello . . .this book explains so much about my struggle with weight. My trainer suggested I read this book because no matter what workout we did or how well I ate, the weight simply wasn’t coming off. Since starting the reset I have had some successful weight loss, had increased energy, and experienced an overall improvement in my well-being.)
- Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World by Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl — I heard these guys speak and was super impressed with their empowering and uplifting message. I have a set of essential oils to pair with their “principles” that I’m super excited to apply.
- The Four Color Personalities for MLM by Tom “Big Al” Schreiter — I listened to this book while I painted the front hallway, but this time around I am taking notes as I read the book. I adore our Wise House Oils team. But to better listen to them and help them achieve their goals, I know that I need to understand them and myself.
Lest you think I am always productive, I will say that I just finished season 2 of Marvel’s Agents of Shield on Netflix.
Oh dear. I had Gottfried’s book on hold at library.. and let it go. B/c I also checked out a bzillion {when they boggle the mind they multiply it seems} other health/diet books after watching the functional med seminar among others… and actually attempted the Fast Metabolism Diet. WEll, until Day 6 came along, and I had NO time to even look at my food map after breakfast, let alone follow it. 🙁 And both my family and I were fed up with Grumpy Mom on a Stupid Diet {my words}. Sooo there’s my level of self-discipline or Spirit-led living. Maybe I should try again… No sugar or wheat would be huge without a longer list or phases or yada-yada do’s and don’ts. {sigh}
I should at least make some power-food chocolate to enjoy instead of the Ghirardelli chips. 😎
I miss talking with you!
Girl — you and I are often on the same brain wave. This book is doable!!!!!!! Seriously. I miss you too. I love getting your blog posts. NO visit??????? Saddness!!!!!