Join {my} Swim Team: A Local Call Out
Sometimes I feel like we are riding one wave after another and the seas never get calm. There is always a current of activity in our household.
However, if you are learning how to be a strong swimmer, a bit of turbulence doesn’t hurt.
Our Strokes to Goldfish Swim School
Over a year ago, our family decided to get serious about making sure our kids were learning how to swim well. Not being a strong swimmer myself, I wanted to make sure that my kiddos felt as comfortable in the water as they did walking on two feet. I didn’t learn how to swim until I was in 6th grade and with many of our current friends having neighborhood pools, I knew that any ineptitude in the aquatic arena could lead to a certain drowning in the social area.
Since fish belong in the water, I set out on a quest to find the best swim school for my school of fish.
We tried two different locations that offered youth focused swim lessons. However, after multiple lessons that lacked a system of progression and reward, I kinda gave up.
Until yet another Goldfish Swim School flier arrived. Instead of throwing away the flier or using it for a fire starter for the 10th time — I made the phone call.
Actually, I didn’t. I submitted a form online.
But Goldfish called me the next day. Who does that??!!!
The rest is pretty much history. My kids fell in love, they were enthusiastic about their progress (as was I), the grandparents were (are) in awe each time they sit and watch with me, and the staff is just so gosh darn accommodating. It’s really kinda sick what a happy, productive place Goldfish is — and the two Goldfish Swim Schools I have been to are identical in how they treat customers.
I once tried to quit the program just to free up our schedule. But they were soooooooooo nice and gracious I just couldn’t go through with it. It made me cry because I have this weird maternal bond for this swim program that has taught my children an important life skill, that I ended up canceling my cancel and kept the kids in swim school.
Why I Like Goldfish Swim School
- I like Goldfish Swim School because the whole program is based on a proven progression. When your littles deomonstrate all the competencies for one class . . . they move up. They don’t have to do the backstroke in the same lane until the next session starts 8 weeks later. My kids moved on to the next level the very next week. And they got a ribbon and sticker to boot.
- Goldfish has a Customer Appreciation Day what seems like every month. Who doesn’t like that?
- They often ask my opinion and make changes when I offer suggestions.
- There is free Wifi.
- It is sooooooooo easy to sit and watch. And relax. It’s glorious.
- The swim lessons are year round.
- Goldfish Swim School has ALWAYS accommodated my schedule and has tried to ensure that all 4 kids could get their lesson AT. THE. SAME. TIME. even though they are all at different ability levels. Can I get a witness for not being the perpetual taxi driver?
- If we miss a class, we can make it up. Our absenteeism doesn’t mean the class has drifted away with the tide.
- Location, location, location.
- Prizes every week (that don’t consist of sugar!). That’s what my kids like.
And I almost forgot. The changing rooms. They are big. And glorious. And there are hairdryers too.
Local Swim Team Call Out
This really only pertains to families living near the Fishers, Indianapolis, and Carmel (Indiana) area. Sorry if you live far away. Please don’t unsubscribe from the blog.
Recently, my two oldest boys moved up to be a part of the Rec Swim Team at Goldfish.
Which they love.
And I might, but for two issues. Two of the Rec Teams meet on a weeknight (which interferes with Taekwondo) and the other Rec Team is on a Sunday (our family day and Sabbath). Being the strong HSP individual that I am, I made a choice (with the help of the Engineer) and pulled the boys out of Rec Team.
I cried.
Every week they say to me, “I sure miss Rec Team, Mom.” Ugh — rip my heart out why don’t you.
I think they know that I have this passion for writing, and crying, and blogging that perhaps if they say it enough — I just might blog about it and form a Homeschool Rec Swim Team at Goldfish Swim School.
I guess they were right. I talked to Goldfish about my idea and they agreed to create a Homeschool Swim Team as long as I could get a critical mass of people to sign up for it. Here is where I need your help.
You’re Invited to Join {my} Homeschool Goldfish Rec Swim Team
If you are interested, and you happen to live near this location (click to see) in Indiana, we are going to have an informational meeting (read PARTY) at Goldfish DURING THE WEEKDAY. I’d love to see 20 kids make a splash in the pool for this new Swim Team. I have approximately 8, currently. Leave me a comment if you are interested in attending the info meeting and I’ll be in touch in the next week or two with some specifics on the date and time for this meeting.
At the meeting, Goldfish staff will explain the program to the adults while the kids get to test out their sea legs in the pool. As if that wasn’t enough for the info meeting, Goldfish is also going to bait us with free pizza if get enough people. While at the info meeting, we’ll pick a one hour time slot on a weekday that works best for everyone to hold the team practice. All you’ll have to do is show up and relax. Can you say, “hello, homeschool gym class?”
So don’t forget to leave a comment below if you are interested. Feel free to share this opportunity with other homeschoolers who haven’t stumbled on to this blog yet.
See everyone at the pool!
The Fine Print…
What is Required to Participate in the Rec Swim Team?
- basic understanding of freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke
- knowledge of butterfly is helpful
- He or she needs to be able to swim the length of a pool.