Gabby Mom Review: Eternal Encouragement Newsletter
I am getting ready to read two newsletters. (I actually read three.)
I am going to test the newsletters to see if they do what they are supposed to do.
They are supposed to encourage me. That’s why I signed up for them.
I need some encouragement. I broke two plates on accident today. The puppy, who is attending Puppy Kindergarten tomorrow, needs some serious help. Actually, her parents need help. It’s been 9 years since I trained a dog.
A lot has happened since then.
OK . . . so I was trying to make lunch. It was supposed to be a simple lunch. Trader Joes pizza sauce on some sprouted bread with a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese, crispified in the toaster oven.
Except one thing. I had one howling dog and three children trying to fly airplanes at the speed of sound.
You know what happens when an airplane goes that fast, right?
I broke the plates. But I’m at least fessing up, unlike a certain Veggie Tales character. I’d show you a picture, but I dropped my camera (not because I was angry, but because I was in a hurry. Though it was safely nestled in my satchel, it didn’t survive the fall. So . . . Willow is at the camera shop today.)
Just so you know, this is a real time post. Hang on. I’m going to read the Eternal Encouragement Magazine newsletter written by Lorrie Flem.
First paragraph is already relevant. Depression. Taking thoughts captive. Darn! Should have know that God knows what I need to hear at just the right time.
Moving on to the second paragraph. And the third. She got me again, read this:
. . . . you have to put the Bible where the dirt has been. Take a Bible bath daily. Dwell on what you read. Write it down, so you remember it. And use it that day, so it becomes part of you. There’s no substitute for memorizing the Word of God.
D. L. Moody said it so well, "When you think sin – think Scripture." I like what my mama wrote in my Bible, "Either sin will keep you from this book, or this book will keep you from sin." Now you have a weapon that can tear down a stronghold of sin and tame the most sinful of thoughts.
This really only confirms what I told you on Monday. That is called the Holy Spirit working within the body of believers.
Newsletters. I’m finding that their job isn’t to clutter my inbox (which is currently at 374). Newsletters serve as reminders. (I will soon have one — thanks to Ann Marie from Cheese Slave talking about it.) When something important is going on in the blog – a giveaway, valuable offers, or a repost of an article that received a ton of comments, then you will know.)
The purpose of Lorrie’s newsletter . . . she gives small teaching moments. And we all need someone speaking into our lives . . . especially a woman who has been there and is older than us.
And right now, I’ll let Lorrie be that woman in my inbox.
I also discovered in Lorrie’s newsletter she has another website called Chick Flicks for Moms. Lorrie has filled this website with teachable moments through short video clips.
Who knows . . . I might find my name in the Eternal Encouragement newsletter one day. If you follow Lorrie on Facebook . . . she posts a wise comment and includes a reader’s response. It could be you next!
You can subscribe to Eternal Encouragement newsletter by heading on over to You’ll see a simple little box to place your email address in to have some sunshine delivered to your computer. Or iPad. Or Droid. Or whatever electronic object you carry around.
Am I still encouraged? Yes and no. You see, I have to take my thoughts captive. Currently my lasso has been stolen and is being use to suture Ezra’s Buzz Lightyear.
I am reviewing Encouraging Moments as an official member of The Gabby Moms blogging program for Eternal Encouragement magazine. I did not receive compensation for this post and all opinions are solely my own.