30 Days of Thanks, Minus a Few
Nov 2, 2010
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I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that my Bloggy friend, Conny, was once again doing 30 Days of Thanks during the month of November.
It was fun to see the button I created live on electronically this year.
Quickly, before I attempt to sleep before a certain little girl wakes up . . . today I am thankful for:
- my mom cleaning my bathrooms and keeping my laundry moving
- a good decaffeinated whole milk vanilla latte
- a Hot Husband who walked in the door EARLY tonight
- leftovers from a meal that SOMEONE else made, not myself
- my precious little boys who give me hugs and tell me they love me a whole lot more these days
- that I had breakfast made for the boys this AM . . . so Mr. Smackdown brought his up and ate it in my bed while I fed Sweet Pea
- Paperback Swap (see my link over on the side . . . I’m too lazy and tired to list it here right now)
- my new blog design that is coming soon
- Mussoorie is more active and hanging in there
- and, of course, that Little Sweet Pea is finally here and not in my belly
- oh, and Twitter, because it keeps me in contact with a friend who moved far, far, far away
- and many more . . . but I want to go talk with the Hottie (sorry ya’ll)
Go link up with Conny!