Preschool Corner
Ever wonder what homeschool children do when their pregnant mom falls asleep for recess?
Why, they build a race track (with books)!
We have had a lot of recesses this week. The weather has just been too nice not to.
We painted pumpkins, thanks to Carisa’s pumpkin post earlier this week.
Caps for Sale, a FIAR book, has been read many times at our house followed by an activity to further reinforce the book. I must admit that most of my ideas came from Michelle, over at Delightful Learning.
The peddler wore 17 hats (total) on his head.
So, we wanted to see how hard it would be to hold all of those hats on your head! Sure is a lot to cut out!
After painting the tree we filled it with thumbprint monkeys.
Nana helped Sir Honey do coin rubbings. We counted out $.50 in many different ways.
And we finished with impromptu monkey tails!
This was also Letter C week.
Mommy’s Favorite:
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