Preschool Corner with Sir Honey
Sir Honey, Age 4
Square Time (Circle Time)
This has been a GREAT addition to our school day this year! Sir Honey is loving pulling stuff off of our board and placing new numbers and words back onto the board. We are working on learning the Lord’s Prayer and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Today finished our 9th day of school.
This week our curriculum focused on the Letter E.
Workboxes are going much better this week now that Sir Honey understands how to match the numbers up and put the velcro squares onto his box. He likes getting out of his desk and being given some freedom. Working on his own still is NOT a highlight for him. However, I hope that with time he will gradually learn that I don’t have to hover over him for him to do a good job.
(Coloring in his character coloring book)
(We pretended that this stickers were egg yolks.)
(Instead of creating paper letters this year, I am going to have Sir Honey paint a wood letter each week. It slightly less time consuming—for me.)
(Playing with magnets)
Life School
With Mr. Smackdown (6) being gone at Grandma’s for a little over a day, Sir Honey took the role of big brother in the house very seriously. He not only became overly helpful (by cooking, taking out trash, cleaning the floors, and helping with the compost) but he played with his little brother, Mr. Smiley and tended to Smiley’s needs!
Having a rest time downstairs . . . the perks of having some extra mom-time while Big Bro is away.
Soaking up time with Auntie before she leaves town . . .
For other Preschool ideas or to just see what other families are doing, head on over to Homeschool Creations.