Mr. Smackdown Turns 6
Yesterday was Mr. Smackdown’s 6th birthday. It is hard to believe that we have a child that old!
It has become tradition to go to the fair either on his birthday or near his birthday, and this year was no exception.
However, the bonus this year was that the Hottie Hubby stayed home for the day and we met some dear friends at the very hot Indiana State Fair.
He had a lot of fun climbing tractors,
watching dogs jump into the water,
and riding the fair tractor (that Honey treated us to).
However, the highlight of the trip was probably using his birthday money to purchase a ticket to experience a carnival ride.
I was a bit nervous . . . but I am a mom. The Hottie was tickled to pieces to be given a dose of adrenaline.
The festivities didn’t end here. Later that evening, both sets of grandparents arrived bearing love and well . . . let’s be honest, some gifts, that Mr. Smackdown was VERY excited about.
The meal, chosen by the birthday boy, was pesto pasta, garlic bread, Caesar salad, and carrot cake.
To my dear 6 year old . . .
I am so thankful that you were born. You were a miracle to your dad and me. And we love you dearly. You provide instant and continuously delightful conversation. Your questions and insights are both intelligent and often interesting to us. God has blessed you with a heart to serve and bless people. You truly live up to your birth name in how you make things for others and enjoy creating things in the kitchen. I am blessed by the young boy that you have become and look forward to being your mother in the future years, should the Lord tarry. Thank you for your sensitive spirit, your willingness to apologize, and your desire to make things right. You have such great talent. I love you, buddy (even though you wake up early in the morning).
Happy 6th Birthday!