A Free T-Shirt and Bible Translation
I don’t have pictures. I have words. Words to paint a picture. For you.
I have a friend. She is wise (beyond her years). A young lass of 26 she is. She is a woman of influence. It isn’t uncommon for her to utter one particularly piercing desire each time we speak.
She says she wants it to be known that her “life is a result of the gospel.”
She means that anyone who encounters her, be it at Wal-Mart, the clearance rack at Target, a Starbucks drive through, her kitchen . . . that she lives, breathes, speaks, and serves in light of the Gospel.
In light of having a life that has been transformed by knowing, observing, and studying Jesus.
I am challenged by those words. I find that I stumble when I am around those words. I aspire to be a reflection of G
od’s perfect Word . . . but oh how I fall short.
Around family. On the interstate. In the return line. As I count how many items are in the overflowing shopping cart ahead of me in the 10 item lane. The stressed moment of exiting the house . . . late.
But . . . but I have the Bible. In my language. Someone taught me to read. I even have some verses memorized. I should be living a life in light of the Gospel.
I often dream of being a sweet, gentle servant. But I don’t take new moms any meals. I never deliver the promised dinner. I fail at writing encouraging snail mail notes — though I bought really cool stationery to do such a thing.
So, as I read from James 1:22 tonight (along with some amazing gals), where it says, “But prove yourselves d
oers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves,” I am inspired to be a doer. Bring it on.
I’ll go visit the orphans and widows. Sure. That is what James 1:27 tells me to do.
But . . . but . . . . I have a Bible. I can assure you that tomorrow I will become busy and soon the days will snowball and I will have forgotten what pure and undefiled religion is.
There are people who can’t be doers of the Word. In fact, they can’t even delude themselves.
They don’t have a Bible in their language.
They don’t even know that they should put aside filthiness or wickedness because they don’t even know
that they were born into sin . . . or that what they do is sometimes wicked.
There are people who can’t humbly receive the Word, as James 1:21 encourages, that was implanted. The very Word that HAS THE ABILITY TO SAVE SOULS.
I may not go visit the orphans and widows, but I can do my best to help the Holy Spirit get there.
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
One of my biggest joys, outside of diving into the Word, dating my husband, and cultivating rich relationships with my children, is partnering with One Verse.
Presently the Lord has the Engineer and I serving stateside. My heart longs to be on the mission field, especially after looking through our India photo album. But I am content in knowing that I can be a “sender.” I can help others be my hands and feet in a different part of the world.
Each month this blog helps sponsor one verse of the Bible to be translated into a different language, so that a trib
e of people – the Vidunda people to be exact, can be transformed by the renewing of their mind.
I’m sure they have some widows and orphans in distress that need visiting.
Soon, an entire group of people will know that they should take care of orphans and widows and keep ones
elf unstained by the world.
I’m asking you to consider and pray about sponsoring Bible translation on a monthly basis.
Help me raise the roof. Spread the word.
Sponsor. Pray. Win a One Verse T-Shirt.
(subscribers, please click on the link to enter to win)

Thank you for sharing that ministry. It sounds wonderful and we’ve never heard of it!
It’s interesting that government officials have forbidden farming on top of the mountain in Vidunda.
I would sponsor Rumba.
They still have superstitious beliefs and use amulets even though many claim to be Christians.
I’d sponsor Duga.
What an inspiring post! How often do we forget our incredible responsibility to share the Gospel, go into the world, and share God’s love with others who don’t have the privilege of having their own Bible. Thank you for reminding us that we should be “doers” and not merely “hearers”!
Only 20 Ehty have become followers of Jesus, and of those, some have fallen away. Discipleship does not happen well without Scripture! Who will pray / donate?
I found it interesting that 60% have knowledge of Christ but don’t really understand fully.
I would sponsor Vidunda.