Almond Milk Hot Chocolate
It may seem like a simple thing to make hot cocoa . . . also known as hot chocolate. Perhaps you rip open a Nestle envelope with hard marshmallows. (Did I just type that?)
I don’t. (Insert snotty voice.) I go milk the cow and spoon out some Dutch Pressed Organic Cocoa from my Mason Jar.
Hot Chocolate Debunked
After the Engineer taught me that hot chocolate could be made with real milk and cocoa powder — and taste better than artificial flavoring (imagine that!), I began to refuse processed and packaged hot chocolate.
You can’t go wrong with raw milk that still has the cream on top.
That is . . . unless your body shows some strong indicators that it simply doesn’t tolerate dairy well.
Like me, I am finding out. (Anyone have a tissue handy?)
The thought of not consuming dairy nearly drove me to drink more milk in case it was to become scarce in our household a few weeks ago. It drove me to sneak into the fridge and drink DIRECTLY from the bottle. (Gasp!) I wanted the cows to dry up instead of me making a conscious decision to abstain from this white, filling beverage . . . that makes me emotionally happy and content. (Can anyone say addiction?)
But my hand was forced. Forced to make a decision that has subsequently renewed my energy, decreased my swelling, and taken away aches.
I hope this switch from raw dairy to almond milk is just a season though. But that will be up to my nutritionist, Jodi Smith, from Plateology, and me chatting upon my completion of the 21 Day Dairy Detox.
I Have Latched Onto a New Beverage
I have given up a lot of different foods recently – but the two that have caused me to whine like a dog wanting liver treats are raw milk and local raw honey (due to this being a natural sugar – it still feeds candida and I have thus eliminated it from my current diet).
So as not to slip back into my old ways, I have replaced one habit with another. Now, moderation does need to be practiced. Because I know that too much of something is not good, unless that too much is God.
Drum roll . . .
Almond Milk Hot Chocolate (with Stevia)
- 1 mug of vanilla almond milk (unsweetened)
- 1 heaping spoon of organic cocoa powder
- Young Living Stevia
- whisk
- small pot and stove – I’m not saying you are an idiot, but this is still HOMEMADE hot chocolate. And if you like, I can teach you how to make almond milk – but for the sake of 21 days and lots of vegetable cutting, I am purchasing my almond milk.
Pour your favorite cup full of almond milk and dump it into the pot on your stove. Turn element on medium to medium high – but don’t allow your beverage to scald or boil over.
Scoop out a generous amount of cocoa into the warming almond milk.
Drop 6-10 drops of Young Living Stevia into your future hot chocolate. Wisk vigorously.
NOTE: I don’t think that the Young Living Stevia is bitter or leaves a nasty aftertaste . . . for this reason I am sharing it with you! Now . . . it is brown . . . but it tastes good.
Other Favorite Beverages
What type of milk do you drink?

So…are you avoiding carageenan? Because that can cause swelling and bloating similar to your dairy symptoms. It’s in a lot of non-dairy beverages. I’m going to add that stevia to my ever growing list on my YL cart. Right now we use trader joes “pure stevia” extract, but it’s white and powdery so I assume its been processed. Thanks for posting, sorry to hear that your love affair with raw milk may be coming to an end. Mine came to an end when our herd share dissolved last month, so I feel your pain. I don’t want to buy the raw from the “factory”….because its not as good. I was spoiled, and now I guess that makes me a milk brat. Ahahhaha
Avoid products with carrageenan … many/most almond milks have it but there arr a few without carrageenan. Some brands have varieties with and without it.
Okay, question about the stevia. I have had several different types. The refined, powdered stuff. The plants I grew in my garden. And extract someone else made (not Young Living, but another brand). All of them carried a bitter after taste.
Do you know what YL does to prevent or remove the after taste? 🙂
That is a good question . . . I don’t know. I’ll try and look into that for you.
Hi, can i use soy milk or normal full cream milk instead of almond milk?
Yes, you could. I alternate between my milks so my body doesn’t get used to one.
Because almonds are naturally very nutritious, almond milk doesn’t need to be fortified. You can make almond milk yourself at home, and it will have the same nutritional value as the almond milk available commercially.
Great post. I would suggest using a non-alkalai (undutched) cocoa though for ultimate health benies (I say this as I make myself a mug with Hershey’s, but which happens to be undutched.).
Thanks for the almond milk recipe and hot chocolate recipe. I buy lots of almond milk. I am surely trying these.