Baked Beans Failure
I was so excited.
I had been working on tonight’s dinner for two days.
Folks – seriously, this is HUGE. I, prego-Jodi, thought ahead! I haven’t done that in 10 weeks! (Plan ahead for a meal that is.)
I soaked and sprouted my beans.
I got out all of my ingredients this morning to create the perfect supper for tonight. I was following all of Sally’s suggestions. (Sally Fallon, that is, author of the amazing cookbook, Nourishing Traditions.)
We would have homemade baked beans, sauerkraut, chicken sausage, and hearty bread.
I even called my mom about it this morning. I was so excited to use my Dutch Oven that she gave me at Christmas.
A wholesome meal, perfect to restore my body after my first workout in . . . oh . . . umm . . . since our ski trip. Gulp. I was so excited to bless my MIL with a home cooked meal since she always gets our Wednesday night meal ready after I have been away for a quiet afternoon and she managing a three-ringed circus.
But alas . . . not tonight.
The lid ALONE tells the whole story.
Burnt. All. The. Water. Disappeared.
I honestly followed the directions to the letter. I have been craving beans that won’t make me . . . you know . . . fart.
The sauce was delicious. The beans. Hard.
So it appears that I have a lot to learn about using a Dutch Oven. This was my first time using the Dutch Oven for its intended purpose . . . from the stove-top to the oven.
I was going to show you the recipe and all that fun stuff . . . but I can’t. Your dinner might turn out like mine.
Dark. Dry. Hard. Burnt. A heavenly smelling house with nothing to show for it.