Beyond Opinion: A Review
I am a big fan of Ravi Zacharias. Many moons ago the Hottie and I read a book by Zacharias called I, Isaac, take Thee, Rebecca. To this day it remains one of our favorite books that we have used as a marriage devotional.
Before I go further, you might ask the question (in a few moments), “What is an apologist?” According to Miriam Webster’s Dictionary it is “one who speaks in defense of someone or something.” So in the case of Ravi Zacharias, he is writing in defense of Christ. Except, Zacharias is anything but defensive.
Beyond Opinion is not light reading material. It really is a book that I would have rather read in a group than alone, in order to discuss. And I would have benefited from reading it during a less stressful season in my live to significantly process the content. However, it does contain a refreshing look into apologetics that seeks to equip a lover of Jesus to share their faith and answer tough questions in a relational manner rather than with persuasive arguments.
Ravi, along with several other learned apologists, seek to equip the believer so that they are “prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect“(1 Peter 3:15).
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for sending me this book to read and review. I was not paid for this post nor do I have to return the book. I am sure that the Hottie will want to read it one of these days . . .