Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
When you live in the land of granola, somewhere–somehow you have to draw the line in order to preserve your sanity. I will and do purchase some minimally processed ingredients.
I draw the line at procuring my own coconut flakes.
Let me show you a tiny bit of the process you must go through to obtain coconut flakes. And mind you, I’m leaving out the whole step of scalping your coconut.
See if you would want to do this weekly.
- You gotta crack the coconut open.
- Drain it.
- And then somehow completely open the blasted thing.
(By the way, it does help to have the proper tools. I have purposefully not purchased said tools.
I don’t want to own another responsibility.)
Once you have enough room to get a spoon through the hole, you have to scoop out the coconut flesh. About an hour later you have approximately 3/4 cup of gooey coconut flesh.
You still aren’t done. If you want coconut flakes or coconut milk, you will be in the kitchen longer. I’m not going to be your guide. The Engineer and I did it once. It was novel. But the paltry results were rather disappointing.
Tropical Traditions can deliver coconut flakes to my door thank you very much.
They did. And I used them.
I experimented on some of my favorite people: my Monday night girls.
Sometimes . . . Naomi . . . .
and Nora join us.
Precious. Sweet times to be in the Word with our daughters at such a young age.
Anyhow . . . distracted as usual by the “girls,” I experimented.
Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
(Compliments of the Tropical Traditions Recipe Box)
- 1/2 cup Virgin Coconut Oil, melted
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 tablespoon vanilla
- 4 eggs
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 3/4 cup chocolate chips
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
- Mix together coconut oil, sugar, vanilla, eggs, and salt together. Blend thoroughly.
- Add flour, coconut and chocolate chips; mix.
- Form into small cookies on a parchment lined pan or stone.
- Bake in your preheated oven for about 15 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Want to win some
Tropical Traditions Shredded Coconut ?
Please, please, please . . .do not put more than one entry per comment. I will be using to pick the winners.
Make sure you are logged in to Disqus or leave your email address in your comment.
All options are worth 1 entry.
(Mandatory) What size of coconut flake is your favorite. (Click here to see your options.)
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- Buy something from Tropical Traditions. When they ask you how you heard about Tropical Traditions, list my sponsor id (5498794). I won’t make any money off of this . . . but I will get a coupon for other Tropical Traditions products.)
- Tweet about the giveaway and then come back and leave me the link. You can copy and past the following text: Win some Shredded coconut over @GranolaMom4God
- “Like” Granola Mom 4 God on Facebook.
- If you have ever climbed a coconut tree to acquire sustenance, eaten a coconut from a coconut walla in India, or secretly wanted to be on Survivor give yourself an entry for each.
Remember, only #1 is mandatory. The rest of the entries are optional, but you MUST comment separately for each one.
The Fine Print: I will email you when you have won. You must respond within 48 hours.
Contest ends May 30, 2011 at Midnight
Author’s Note: I was given this product to review from Tropical Traditions, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine unless otherwise noted.