Elementary Round-Up: A Link Up
I mentioned a few weeks ago that poor Mr. Smackdown didn’t have an outlet for his homeschooling activities.
And then he caught wind of this.
Now he is telling EVERYONE that he has his own blog, just like his sister does.
Umm . . . not really, but you do have your own blog post, Buddy. I take a lot of pictures of his learning, but rarely post them. In my seemingly constant activity on the internet, I have yet to stumble across a “first-grade” link up or “elementary “link-up in which to help hold me accountable to document our learning.
So, I decided to add one more thing to my plate.
A Bi-Weekly Elementary Link-Up for my blogging buddies . . . open to anyone so long as you follow these simple guidelines (and I will continue to develop these guidelines as I gain experience and see a desire among others to join in):
- Write a blog post about your elementary aged child(ren), first through fifth grade, comprising the activities you did the prior two weeks. You can include pictures, bullet points, tools used, learning gained, God moments, etc.
- Include in the title, Elementary Round-Up, making sure to include a link back to my blog. By doing so, other like-minded readers can hang out in a central location if they are looking for Elementary School ideas. Publish your post and then head back to my site.
- Provide the exact link (URL) of the Elementary Round-UP blog post you wrote, not your blog’s home address, through the provided MckLinky.
- Optional: For now, I would love it if you grabbed my blog button over on the side. At some point, I may get creative and create a button specific to this meme . . .
BIG IMPORTANT HEART MOMENT: This isn’t a blog post to WOW other moms . . . the point of this is to help YOU document on YOUR blog what you and your child(ren) are learning. My link-up is only to provide some accountability. I won’t come and leave nasty comments on your blog if you don’t link up.
And I’m just going to be real with ya today . . . and not edit my pictures. It’s going to be hard . . . but I need to be quick!
- Today was Book Read-In Day. We stayed in our pj’s (or pa-jammies) and read as many library books as we could.
- Mr. Smackdown finished Saxon Phonics K and is moving onto the First Grade curriculum next week! Actually, that is his Saxon 1 Math that he is finishing. And yes, you can see his name . . . a huge decision that I am making and probably a blog post for another day.
- He is loving A Reason for Handwriting!
- Along with his brothers, Asher worked on the Thanksgiving Tot Pack from 1+1+1=1.
- Our good friends came over from Ohio and taught the boys about Egypt . . . to wrap up a unit we started umm . . . before we moved into the house! Now we can move on! I’ll share later what we learned!
- And Asher continually fixes my cabinet door that won’t stay closed! I am impressed by his creativity!
- We also worked on making Thanksgiving note cards to give to our neighbors that Maureen, from Spell Outloud, created.
- And we made Christmas ornaments with my sister to participate in an ornament exchange.
What did you do the past two weeks?