Feel and Find World Icons: A Guidecraft Review
We are still recovering from the loss of my birthday laptop computer (of five years). . . then using my Notebook (Neo) in the interim, and finally switching over to our new computer (yet to be named) recently.
I have had pictures everywhere and some are now nowhere.
I had taken some exciting pictures of Guidecraft’s sensory toy bag called Feel and Find World Icons. The boys had helped me stack, sort . . . you name it.
But alas . . . these action sequence pictures met their demise with the loss of our trusty and mightily used laptop.
The fun we had with our sensory toy bag is present in my memory banks, though.
It boasts of 20 different shapes with matching tiles.
We played with the Feel and Find World Icons many different ways:
- sorting by color
- placing the icons upright
- stacking the tiles
- tracing the shapes
- finding farm animals, shapes, and things on our earth, etc.
I would imagine that as we study other languages in our little schoolhouse . . . we will use the Feel and find World Icons to practice our basic vocabulary.
Notice, the word “world” is included in this wood toy. Why? Because Guidcraft is pretty excited that the shapes included in this toy encompass many cultures.
It’s a diverse toy. A diverse wood toy. A diverse, non-toxic, wood, eco-friendly toy.
I like that!
Wanna win it?
Head on over to Thanks Mail Carrier! Or Guidecraft ($30). Or Amazon (where you will find this sensory toy for a wee bit less . . . . try $22.99 with free shipping!)
As a Guidecraft Mom blogger, I was provided this product to review. I was not paid for this post and all opinions expressed in this post are mine.