Five Minute Friday: In Real Life
In real life I wonder if I am the opposite as what I am “in real blog.” In real life, I say “so,” “like",” “you know?” and “I had an idea.” A lot. In real life, whenever you see . . . . on your computer screen . . . .I do that a lot in real life. It’s called, “I started a sentence. Stopped. And started a new sentence because I had a new thought.” But eventually I do get around to the point. Those dots . . . I can’t seem to write without them. Every blog post has them. They started because when I began using them, I received more comments. People commented that my writing had improved. That actually was an anonymous commenter. No idea who they were. But it seriously affected my writing style. So I kept writing in my made-up blog language instead of in real life language. But now I almost feel married to blog language. The two worlds have almost become one. Except I do know reality versus online life. They both are real. {Smiles}But I have to make sure to invest in the in real life reality more. Which is difficult for me because I write better than I talk. Just like I look better on my blog than I do in real person. I suppose you could say then in summary that in real life I am quite vain. Thankfully, I have a Savior who is dealing with that vanity and replacing His image on mine . . . covering my imperfections and making me into something new this past year. It’s been rough in real life. But much better . . .
(Don’t you wonder what I was going to write? Sorry, can’t tell you. The timer stopped. Literally. I do time myself for these posts.)