Free Shipping and Some Winners
Poor Conny . . . she didn’t see my comment. (Then again, I don’t think most people see the comments I write back to them. They disappear into spam-land.)
I’m going to test her . . . and put her on the spot.
Does she really read my blog regularly?
Yoooo-hoooo . . . Conny? You won the Little Light Creative Giveaway!!
I’m glad. After all, she just mailed out something like 60 Narnia DVD’s at her own expense. (By the way, you all blessed me . . . so many of you headed over to Conny’s blog from my blog . . . people do read me!)
You can be a winner too . . . free shipping over at Little Light Creative if you use the code GM4G11.
GREAT Mother’s Day present . . . hint . . . hint . . . hint. (I like Psalm 128 or the Shama . . . just sayin’).
And the three winners for the Grain Free Giveaway . . . .
Heather, who wrote:
I’ve been reading your blog since beginning Bible in 90 Days program in January. Also, the GAPS diet has been mentioned in at least 3 different circles–making me wonder if I need to try it. My daughter, 15 yo, is finding she needs to eat gluten free due to what is probably allergies. I know I need to make changes for myself and the rest of my family too. This meal plan may be just the thing to get me on the right track. Thanks!
Angela H., who wrote:
I would love to win this! I’ve been wanting to get her meal plans as we begin the GAPS diet, knowing it would help tremendously with getting on track with the diet and save me lots of time!
and Jean, who wrote:
I would love to try the food plan out. I’ve been on GAPS intro for 4+ months now and have so many food restrictions that planning meals is truly becoming a nightmare. I’d love some inspiration and help!
If you didn’t win the Grain Free Menu Plan, I would so appreciate it if you do sign up for the menu plans, if you would go through my affiliate link! Your clicks and purchases are helping me attend Relevant . . . which will bring you better content! (Lord willing!)
Lastly, Jenny from Academy At Thousand Oaks won the Garden Flower Printable. Don’t forget, you can purchase this inexpensive printable and help two lovely ladies attend Relevant!