Fruit Fly Battle
They are back. What do fruit flies, a compost bucket, bananas and beer have in common?
All are working together and against each other.
Once again, year two of the fruit fly battle. After feeding them apple juice unsuccessfully, I have resorted to beer–which I must mention that my 6 year old neighbor delivered to my front door yesterday. (Should he have a license for that?)
So . . . it worked last year.
Pour beer (preferably a strong, dark amber brew) into a ramekin bowl. Place Saran Wrap over the bowl and poke holes. The idea is that the fruit flies are smart enough to get to the beer, blinded by their addiction to sweet things. However, they can’t get get out of their trap.
I suppose they don’t realize that God is good.
This year, my trap doesn’t seem to be working. It is different beer and I fear that this lesser quality just isn’t as attractive. I need a stronger temptation . . .
(Check out the new and improved Fruit Fly Trap!)
Gabe is such a cute cowboy! 🙂 I can’t wait to meet him.