Gratitude in Canada
I am so thankful . . . so thankful.
I was going to write about yogurt today. But it seems more fitting to say thank you.
Please help me do that.
Go visit the blog Bytes of Memory. You see, the blogger there – Lindsay . . . recovered ALL of our vacation pictures (and then some from two years ago!)
So I cried.
This trip was important to me for many reasons — this trip to Canada.
The Engineer encouraged me to go . . . fully knowing he was giving up companionship and that he would miss out on all the fun and rest.
He knows that this particular spot in Canada . . . holds a unique place in my heart that even Colorado doesn’t rival.
And you all know how much I adore and miss our Fort Collins, Colorado.
The trip was important to me because I drove it.
Canada is a place for my boys to practice danger and do . . . well . . . boy things. (Girls do canoe, too. I am proof of it.)
It was a concentrated time for my kids to be with their Nana and Mops.
This trip was important to me because this is the very vacation spot I went to when I was my children’s age(s). A place I have rich, fond memories of. A place where I got caught up in family stories . . . weird family secrets about a turtle named Joe Bamigishid . . . or was it a lake? A place where the adults talked while the kids played alongside.
This trip was important to me . . . because it is a tangible way I pass a heritage and legacy on to my children. And remember my grandma and grandpa and cousin.
Not to mention, Gabe got potty trained;
Ezra drove a boat;
Asher caught 4 fish;
and Naomi got a tooth.
I got to hang out with my aunt and uncle and . . . did I mention that I saw an eagle? Well . . . we all did.
Lindsay, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now . . . go visit her.