Happy Birthday, Jesus
Our family has chosen to host an intimate birthday party for Jesus, though we know that December 25th is not His actual birthday.
We invite you to join us. To make Christmas meaningful. Different. Reflective . . . but fun.
A extraordinary wonder . . . a delightful memory that beckons your children and your heart to be inclined towards the star . . . leading you on a journey to the Savior.
Read the Christmas Story. Be a part of the Christmas Story. It’s written for me . . . for you . . . for the world.
A party.
A birthday party for a Savior.
Join me over at Sharing the Journey to read about our very special birthday cake.
Here is a sneak peak:
Christmas is the one day of the year when our children restrain themselves and stay in bed longer than us. They wait. Their mouths salivate. There is much anticipation.
This one day . . . the only day out of the year, they are served breakfast in bed. And it isn’t just any ordinary breakfast.
They are treated to wholesome cake . . . at 7 AM. Birthday cake.
Click here to read the rest!