Nov 24, 2011
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Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 25, 2010
This post may contain affiliate links. Additionally, remember that I am not a doctor and any health statements must be verified by your doctor. Read my full disclosure policy here.
I have been rather remiss in posting daily what I am thankful for . . . but I have found that managing two blogs, and writing for two others plus having a newborn, along with all of my previous duties makes for a busy Jodi.
But I am thankful.
Let’s see how thankful.
If I go with my original thankful goal last year of listing 10 things a day that I am thankful for, then I need to write 125 items below.
Here goes. (Please give me grace for any typos or unintentional exclusions.)
- Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for me (and the world) that provides almost minutely forgiveness for me! I have asked God recently to show me what He has saved me from . . . yea. I’ll leave it at that right now.
- The Holy Spirit that helps me to understand the Bible and convicts me . . . thus enabling me to change, be it ever so slow.
- the Hottie . . . who is too funny, extends grace, loves me despite my popped balloon appearance right now.
- (According to birth order) Mussoorie and that she is still alive thanks to steroids
- Asher – my helpful son full of gifts of service, words of encouragement, and homemade gifts
- Ezra – my snuggly bundle of energy whom I can always count on to sit and read a book with or have a delightful date with
- Gabe – the little boy who provides constant amusement and a smile
- Naomi – forever my Sweet Pea who is a a joy and every so pleasant to wear around.
- a fast and safe delivery on October 18th
- our new house and that we didn’t have to do much aesthetically to it . . . it was as if God gave the previous owner a vision of how to prepare it for us!
- My mom coming over to help on Tuesdays.
- My Mother-In-Law for coming to help on Wednesdays.
- Starbucks . . . it is only 2 minutes from my house.
- my Sunday night Bible Study with beautiful women.
- my Monday night Bible Study . . . filled with new friends and delightful conversation
- Twitter – that it can bridge miles
- all of the meals that were delivered to our house after Naomi was born
- my sister who keeps me hoping with creative ideas
- sisters and brothers-in-laws and their kids
- Mothering Magazine
- my father-in-law who helps us with all sorts of household projects
- a warmer house now that we have fresh insulation
- my texting plan
- I’m thankful that I once lived in Colorado and India
- 11 years of marriage
- I still love my husband and want to date him.
- We got to keep our swing set.
- Despite having hypothyroidism and PCOS, I am able to nurse Naomi.
- homemade pie crust
- Endangered Species Chocolate
- a great Dad who provided my excellent education
- the Canada cabin
- hand-me-down clothes from friends
- our church
- my laptop . . . it’s portable
- my camera, Willow
- Neo, who allows the kids learn how to use the computer
- creative friends
- yoga pants
- my Vita-Mix
- my new toaster oven
- I love my bedroom. It is such a haven.
- book club
- paperbackswap
- great blogs that help me with school and encourage me in life
- the hope that I may go to Relevant next year
- I have only dated my husband.
- I’m thankful that I learned to ski, backpack, and play games.
- our house sold quickly
- my sewing machine
- I have an outlet – my blog, even though most don’t understand why it is so important to me
- Green B.E.A.N. Delivery – ordering all my groceries on line
- my great midwife, who is also my friend
- all of my friends . . . I’m not going to mention you all . . . that would be too easy to fill up my thankful list!
- that I live in a country where I can read my Bible in public, worship freely, homeschool, and so far make my own health care decisions
- boxes at my doorstep
- when the mail man brings my mail to the door
- a haircut
- no zits
- deodorant that works
- big driveway
- trees in my yard
- Cutco knives
- stoneware
- a good steak
- when people show up with surprise coffees and they guess my favorite beverage correctly!
- the smell of baking bread
- coconut oil
- almond oil
- SmartWool socks
- Mountain Hardwares cool logo
- raw milk and Mark and the farm ours comes from
- finally finding a pizza crust that I like (thanks Jolanthe)
- silence
- flowers
- garden produce
- Farmer’s Markets
- the perfect Vanilla Latte
- Christmas trees
- Christmas music
- being able to print without being attached to the printer
- baby girl clothes
- minky sheets
- how precious Naomi’s room looks
- miracles
- a cheesecake that comes out of the oven without cracks
- a shower after two days in the same clothes (not that I would know)
- snail mail
- coupons
- organization
- exercising without peeing your pants
- diapers that aren’t poopy when you go to change them
- a good nights sleep that is longer than 4 hours
- the love Naomi’s brothers have for her
- fences
- living near a state park
- canoe rides
- bright houses
- easy solutions
- answers to prayer
- having someone know you really well
- feeling beautiful
- hoodies
- Dansko shoes
- not having to wait long at the doctor’s office
- good music like Jon Foreman, Toby Mac, 100 Portraits, Seeds of Worship, U2
- Pandora – it’s free
- knowing that heaven awaits me – no crying, no pain, no hurt feelings, seeing Jesus, clothes that you don’t outgrow
- glue sticks
- Hottie’s days off
- the weekend
- the Hottie’s new blog and our idea for it . . . now he just needs the time to write
- having what you need and not having to run out to the grocery store
- a family dinner full of conversation, no fighting, and everyone likes what they are eating
- vacations
- snow
- the smell of spring
- making a pile of leaves
- the smell of Naomi’s head – or the top of any newborn baby’s head
- making Operation Shoebox boxes with my kids
- baking cookies
- watches with timers
- my inductive study Bible
- unconditional love
- sweet fellowship
- when my children have ah-ha God moments
and there are more . . . but I met my goal and it is time to go celebrate!
Head on over to Conny’s blog for some more Thankful Things!
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