If You Read My Tweets . . .
If I had a SmartPhone you might have “heard” me tweet . . .
But I don’t have a Smartphone. Just a little red texting phone. My brain, however, is used to thinking in tweets. So, while on vacation recently I began to compile the statements my brain tweeted to my consciousness.
I actually wrote them down. I reasoned that this was probably safer than texting on my phone anyway.
Most of my paper tweets came from long moments behind a steering wheel. Over 20 hours of long moments. Not really. I was in a car for 20 plus hours by myself with four children in tow. We traveled up to Canada, across the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan – of which I am in love with now), and down into Wisconsin.
If you desire to get caught up on my Tweets, this if for you.
- I just passed a Rudolph crossing! (There was a deer crossing sign on the interstate that had a bright red dot on the deer’s nose.)
- Watch out! Windmill blade on the road.
- Windmill blades are ji-normous!
- Gabe thinks his light saber is a candle. He has no clue what Star Wars is.
- I ate at McDonalds. {Sigh.}
- When applying peppermint essential oil to your tongue while driving, avoid bumps.
- Gabe . . . will travel with potty.
- Whenever I hear, “I want to go to my room,” then I know Gabe has to go potty.
- My plan backfired. My children do like chocolate covered espresso beans.
- It appears that much of Michigan is uninhabited.
- Only 6 more hours till we rendezvous with the Engineer in Wisconsin!
- It’s Christmas! (In Michigan, that is . . . Christmas, Michigan.)
- I could live in the UP . . . on Lake Superior.
- I’m beginning to feel like a nag and slightly irrational.
- There are as many pine trees in Michigan as there are stars in the sky. Just kidding. Kind of.
- New family tradition: scream “thank you, Jesus” before you leave.
- Glad they let me back into America. Wondered where the Engineer was.
- I feel awkward carrying a toilet into a bathroom.
- Just noticed a stranger debating whether or not to help me.
- Hello Marquette. Aren’t you quaint!
- PTL for Geoffrey the Giraffe!
- I have a new respect for single moms.
- Moose crossing!
- I feel like I’m in Colorado, but it’s the UP!
- Listening to Under the Olives.
- Campers and the like should have their own highway.
- Where is a passing lane when you need one?
- Toby Mac to the rescue!
- I just discovered Wisconsin is pretty.
- My camera just ate all 150 pictures I took in Canada. They are garbled.
- Getting ready to jump out the window into the Engineer’s arms while the car is still running.
- Here. Hello Fort Wilderness.
There you have it. Two weeks worth of tweets. Not you don’t have to feel like you missed anything.