Interlox: A Guidecraft Review and Giveaway
I’ve told you before.
I’m a wood toy snob.
Sometimes . . . just sometimes . . . I can “like” something plastic. But it’s got to be unbreakable like a Nalgene bottle, tough like a Kong, and creative like Magneatos.
Unfortunately, when the Guidecraft Interlox building toy entered our home . . . it had a competitor.
A wood opponent.
Yet even this wood look-a-like has never been a favorite with the Granola children.
Me . . . I’m the one who put the similar building toy on my children’s wish list a few years back . . . and it isn’t uncommon that I end up playing with it when it is displayed on a Tot Tray.
However, the Interlox got even less enthusiasm than its wood counterpart.
Maybe it was because I took the fun out of it. I had defined boundaries and expectations for this building toy.
I had a desired outcome that I engineered in the school room.
I never pulled the Interlox out to encourage my children to creatively play with. Boo-hoo on me.
I had Sir Honey sort by color . . . I know, rather boring . . .
And Gabe did have a delightful time playing mailman to the Quaker Oats box — that had the perfect hole that allowed for safe passage of an Interlox piece.
Other Guidecraft Moms weren’t quite so dull as me . . . so don’t judge this toy by our experience . . . we just like the feel and texture of wood.
After taking a sneak peak at some of the other reviews . . . you could:
- stack the squares
- create houses, fences, rocket ships, etc.
- make patterns
Call me old fashioned.
Actually, Guidecraft has had me spoiled with all of the other toys we have tried out from them!
I blame Guidecraft!
For a chance to win Interlox, head on over to Cindy’s post over at Along the Way!
By the way, it has 96 pieces of “translucent plastic panels with inset details in five beautiful colors.” The target age for this toy is 3 and up. Find it at Guidecraft for $16.00 or on Amazon.
As a Guidecraft Mom blogger, this product was given to me for review purposes. I do not have to return the product to the vendor and I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.