Just So You Know . . . Coupons and Deals
Just so you know . . .
Paper Coterie — the BEST DEAL ever!!!!!!!
Now this company is sweet.
They sent me a beautiful necklace.
And I recently made a precious quotable book for Naomi.
This is a DEAL.
USE THIS coupon code: WELCOME2012.
The very first time you checkout at Paper Coterie you can use my coupon code WELCOME2012 to receive $40 off of your first order!!! No catch! Nadda. I have loved my experience with Paper Coterie products!!!
What Can You Make At Paper Coterie?
- journals
- planners
- wall hangings
- notecards
- books
- calendars
- documents
- memory keepers
- growth charts
And all of it is simply beautiful. I am hooked on Paper Coterie!
If you think my coupon is fake, which it isn’t, you could try Paper Coterie out by getting a free journal with a first time visit to Paper Coterie.
I haven’t made one . . . yet. But my current daily journal is almost done . . .
Little Passports
Little Passports US Edition is on sale right now. Snag an ENTIRE year of the US Edition for $99 using the code LP99. This will save you $32.
Motivated Moms
Throughout the month of September, the Motivated Moms household planner is on sale, in addition to already being 1/2 off.
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The amazing woman behind the Motivated Mom planner died of Cancer. So to encourage all of us women to check out the signs for Ovarian Cancer, head on over to the Why Teal website to learn more.
Let me tell you, if you struggle to clean your house, this quick download is a gem. I have used the paper version. But . . . . I am going to switch to the app version.
Yes, there is an app that cleans your house . . . kind of. Actually your phone barks orders at you to go clean your house. It is only available in iTunes, but for 2013 the Motivated Moms planner will be available on Android.
To get $1.00 off use coupon code CURE.
If you are joining the growing group of over-achievers (just kidding) and literally handwriting the Word of God in a journal, don’t forget to use the coupon code JOURNIBLE.
Heritage History
I have a great giveaway going on right now that incorporates potentially hundreds of books from Heritage History. If you lose, but you won’t (wink), feel free to use my personal coupon code (JODIskill) to receive a free curriculum with your purchase.
Head on over to iHomeschool to hear about our week
In my life this week… I have met face to face the struggle of balancing weight loss, a new curriculum, and turning away from the computer to have more face time with my children.
In our homeschool this week… we officially started school! I cringed initially at the new memory work we would have by becoming involved in Classical Conversations. But the reality is that it has been a huge blessing. Because we have to memorize so much, I feel like we have actually spent more time relishing in God’s handiwork throughout the ages.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… anytime that we can listen to something we do. This has cut down on bickering at meals and in the car, especially. I have begun to welcome repetition because the more you hear something, the more it becomes part of you. And silly YouTube videos throughout the day make a fun reward.
To read more plus see some cute pictures . . . head on over to iHomeschoolNetwork.
I just found your website by entering the giveaway you have for Heritage History. I’ve been browsing a bit and I love it! 🙂 I’m wondering if you might be willing to email me privately. I have a store and would like to offer you a review/giveaway proposal. Even if you don’t want to, I am a new fan and I look forward to reading more from you!
I do still have my ticket. I don’t have a computer this weekend and could not find a way to contact you. email me at ma**@me***********.com so I can respond easier.