Kindergarten Curriculum Choices 2016-2017
This year marks the first year I am REALLY thinking through {kindergarten} curriculum for Omi. For the past two years we have been working our way through Sonlight Pre-school/Kindergarten. I ended up ditching the teacher’s manual and plodding along through the read-alouds. At the time, when I invested in Sonlight, I needed someone else to plan my school days. But now that I’m in a better spot mentally, I’m going back to my individualized curriculum approach.
This year marks Naomi’s first year “officially” at the school table. So what did I choose?
Kindergarten Curriculum Choices 2016-2017

I’m excited to dive in! The first edition was great BUT the updated version has:
- Over 100 pages of new teaching material
- Over 150 additional pages in the activity book including 30 new activities and 52 new Warm-Up Sheets
- 17 all-new, fully decodable stories
It has basically doubled in size!
And the best part? The price hasn’t changed! The cost of the AAR Level 1 Materials is $99.95. Learn more about the program here.
It’s super fun to receive your All About Reading order too. You can request a drawing on your box.

I have a lot of left over workbooks and I utilize Carisa’s resources for letter recognition and handwriting, which is great because she is my travel buddy and friend! I will probably just continue to print handwriting sheets off or give Omi copy work.
At some point my teacher might come out in me and I’ll break down and purchase a Handwriting Without Tears workbook. (Have you tried their app on the iPad? It’s GREAT!)
I actually purchased two different math programs. I honestly think that Omi could do Saxon First Grade. But rather than push her too far too fast, we are using Math-U-See Primer. I was pleased with how proficient her brother was in counting, understanding multiples of tens, and mastering his math facts upon completion of Primer.

Speaking of Foundations . . .
Classical Conversations
This will be our 5th year in Classical Conversations. Besides learning to read with All About Reading and working on Handwriting, if we get nothing else done but our Classical Conversations memory work, then it will have been a good school day. The memory work includes Bible, History, Science, Math, Latin, Grammar, etc. I have seen so many ah-ha moments in the kids by having such an incredible knowledge based stored in their cranium. Additionally, I love that at the heart of CC is to create space for our kids to “know God and make Him known.”
History & Science
Historically, Omi has sat in the room with us and colored or built something with her Spielgaben while we read. We don’t HAVE to add in extra History and Science — but we are nerds like that.
This year we will mark our 4th year with Mystery of History.

Omi will continue taking piano lessons with Mr. Rob.
The girl LOVES to dance and do gymnastics. Currently, I feel she is supposed to be in gymnastics. I love her gym. And I love the bravery it instills in her and confidence to try new things. She has grown in coordination, grace, and agility.
- Spielgaben
- Ivy Kids Kit
- We haven’t decided on AWANA yet . . . to be determined.
Are you using any of the same resources?
I sure would love to know. What has worked for you?

This looks a lot like our kindergarten years! Thankful for your experienced input on curriculum decisions. No kindergarteners at my house this year, but again soon enough!
Oh I have loved seeing your pictures, Beth! Your newest addition is so so so precious!!! Are you doing CC again this year?