Why I Started Wearing Makeup at 40 Years Old
I used to think there was a secret club just for teenagers. And if you didn’t make it into the dazzling club by the time you were in high school, then you had missed your opportunity. The club was closed to tomboys. It didn’t allow nerds. It involved giggling. And after a while, I deemed this imaginary “makeup” club as fake.
However, I always wondered, did I misplace my invitation to the club at some point? The makeup club that is.
At the age of 40, having only worn mascara randomly, I realized that:
There no club.
I repeat, there is no makeup club.
You don’t have to giggle to be a part of this community.
Just because you wear makeup doesn’t mean you are fake.
Anyone can wear makeup.
Smart women wear clean, non-toxic makeup.
My First Makeover
In June of 2017, I was gifted with a makeover. I did not want to get painted, but you would think by the reaction of others that I had been given $1,000,000.
As I processed this torture opportunity with my husband, I broke down in tears, consumed with fear, insecurity, and embarrassment. He calmly told me that he thought I could actually enjoy myself — if I changed my attitude. You are what you think afterall. This notion seemed ludicrous to me — why would I want to be painted like a clown?
Now, the logical person would recognize the fact that the company gifting me (and a friend) with a makeover, would NEVER support me twinning with Bozo. In fact, my benefactor would only want me to feel confident, unique, and special. The makeup that was going to be used on me was new, non-toxic, subtle, and focused on accentuating inner beauty with an outer, natural looking confidence.
In my heart of hearts, I knew that getting a makeover with Savvy could be powerful.
In hind-site, I see that the potential change in myself and my looks scared me.
Because I’m the yoga pant, homeschool mom. I’m supposed to be haggard, overworked, stressed, burnt out, frazzled, no-time-for-herself mom. It helps facilitate conversation. It is the password into feeling included at times. Telling stories of epic overload is . . . well strangely inspiring — especially to the mom who needs to feel better about herself.
You know what I’m talking about.
But that view, that personae, well — it’s not healthy or good for a marriage.
God didn’t design us to be an Eeyore. We are created to live out His story, live vibrantly, and inspire curiosity as to what fuels us to lead others into a relationship with Christ. My life should reflect God’s goodness.
Not a lack of abundance. Not perpetual weariness.
My Makeover Changed My Life
I’ll be quite honest. My Savvy Mineral Makeup Makeover changed my life. Seeing it typed out feels trite and silly. But it is the truth. It’s when I really started to wake up from the numbing sensation of busyness and laundry. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t define myself as a homeschooler — not that there is anything wrong with that label. I LOVE educating my kids. Seriously.
But I saw myself as God’s daughter, created for a purpose, and called to speak life into other women’s stories. Learning how to use makeup by multiple friends since my initial makeover has been empowering, confidence boosting, and dare I say it — fun.
Because of my new confidence I decided to purchase a new curling iron to get those fun ringlet curls. I’ve gotten sassy on our dates. I wear skinny jeans with tall boots.
Umm, I get dressed every day. It really makes a difference. Make your bed while you are at it.
I’ve discovered that I look forward to my weekly date with my husband, knowing that I’ve brought out that inner confidence to be that young girl my husband fell in love with.
I love that because the Savvy Makeup line is so clean, I can make sure that when and if my daughter wants a little sparkle or she desires to wear makeup as she becomes a woman, I can give her a safe, non-toxic choice that will support the changes going on in her body and not disrupt her hormones.
I appreciate that I don’t feel fake. Nor do I look like a clown when I wear my makeup. As a lifelong learner, I value that Savvy Mineral makeup is ridiculously forgiving as I experiment.
Do you have a similar story?
Has makeup been a foreign world to you? Did it make you feel awkward, yet you remain curious about it — wondering what the fuss is all about?
I can’t give you a makeover, but I can and am inviting you to join me. Don’t feel bashful. It’s time to add some sparkle to your story. I really want to help you feel more confident. I don’t want you to hide behind your new makeup. I only want to help bring out what is already within you.
To hear my full story, please join me over at Cultivating the Lovely for this month’s podcast about Natural Skin Care and Make-Up. It’s a pretty fun (there that word is again) podcast because MacKenzie and I come from two different experiences with makeup!!
What’s Next?
I’m officially inviting you to cultivate some bold, daring, and lovely action steps. I’m daring you to try makeup out — especially if you didn’t get the invite to the makeup club that never existed.
I promise to help you figure it out and to navigate the new terms and the brushes and the colors. If I can learn at 40 — seriously anyone can learn.
Where Can I Purchase Your Makeup?
Great question! I’m so glad that you asked! Purchasing Savvy Mineral Makeup is super easy. I will break it down into manageable steps.
- We need to color match you. Basically this means that we determine whether you have warm or cool skin tones. Refer to my guidelines below.
2. Now that you have decided if you are warm or cool, then you will pick which Savvy Mineral Kit you need. There are 4 options to choose from. In case you are wondering, I am a Warm 2 (and starting to creep into a Warm 1) but MacKenzie (my co-host) is a Cool 2.
3. Visit Young Living to purchase your Savvy Mineral Starter Kit. When you are over there you will notice that there are other Starter Kits to choose from. I think they are all great. Those are products that you can experiment with at a later date if you like, or you can add products to your new order. I actually receive a monthly subscription box from Young Living and try new products out every month.
Anyway, I’ve created a link for you, to make it easy. Click HERE to purchase your Savvy Mineral Makeup Kit that (swoon) comes with lavender!!! Make sure you see my referral number 970238 — this way I know to send you a welcome gift and add you to our Facebook group.