Memorable Moments turned Canvas
Last fall, the Engineer and I took a trip to Colorado and backpacked to Bluebird Lake, located in the Wild Basin area of Rocky Mountain National Park. The trip was memorable because it was the first time I had been away from the kids for an extended period of time, since Naomi’s birth, it celebrated a huge weight loss, and it launched the Engineer’s return to school to get his doctorate degree.
I find myself longing for those three days of solitude, beauty, and majesty.
The grandeur of the Rocky Mountains brings perspective and passion into the complexity and of family life, work, and the challenge of balancing school.
But when you return home, maintaining the why, the focus, the excitement – it almost always gets packed away with the camping gear.
Unless you bring the majesty before your eyes on a daily basis.
To encourage the Engineer, and remind him of his “why” and of our “calling,” I ordered him a 16”x20” print from Somehow the kids kept quiet about the memorable canvas . As a result, the Engineer was surprised one day upon arriving home (OK this is a posed picture.)
Now, our Bluebird Lake memories serve as a daily reminder in the Engineer’s office.
He sees his canvas print throughout the day. Daily reminding him that while he works at a job, there is a God powerfully at work in his life also.
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(Thank you for the awesome canvas print . . . it has truly blessed us and served to encourage us – reminding us of the amazing journey we took.)