The Mercy: A Review
I can’t believe it. I missed the second book in the Beverly Lewis Rose Trilogy. I was so excited to post this for you . . .
Having read the first book here.
But alas when I just looked The Mercy up . . . I discovered that it was the third book!
Gasp! I missed book #2 – The Judgement . . . which explains why not everything totaled up to me!
So . . . you can read The Mercy and still have a good read. I did.
What’s it about?
Rose Kauffman has reoccurring stirrings for the seemingly lost Nick Franco, the Bishop’s foster son. Franco got out of dodge soon after his “brother” died in a freak accident. Because of Nick’s seemingly unruly behavior, his dad was silenced. However, like any good story . . . there is more to this story than most people know. Is Nick really rebellious? Rose continues to be Nick’s friend . . . but there is tension between his use of modern conveniences and his refusal to make amends.
But ya’ gotta know the whole story before you judge someone . . .
Back at the ranch, Rose’s older sister, Hen, is living in her parents’ Dawdi Haus. Rose is married to an Englisher who finds himself in a horrible car accident, leaving him in need of constant care. This is truly an example how God can use something bad for His good (yes, I know it is just a fictional story.)
Buy it in hardback or on Kindle! You won’t be disappointed!
Thanks Bethany House! I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.