National Sharpen Your Pencil Day Update
Just because our Sharpen Your Pencil Day was yesterday . . . doesn’t mean you can’t host such an event in your home . . . on your blog . . . or with your child’s school friends.
Quite frankly, amongst a cozy group of people you can declare any day to be what you want it to be.
We frequently have “Stay in Your Pajama Day.” (Did I just write that? Blast – now you know!)
While at the teacher store yesterday, I informed the clerk that it was National Sharpen Your Pencil Day. He looked at me with this rather incredulous look on his face.
I euphorically shared the details with him regarding this unique day.
He wasn’t as enthralled with the idea as me. In fact, if I wasn’t riding so high on sawdust fumes I might have been dismayed by his dull reply.
“Well, to each his own. Seems like people will make up any excuse to celebrate something. Can’t see that sharpening your pencil is very exciting. Whatever.”
He just didn’t get it. Youth these days. (Just kidding.)
I didn’t allow him to break my lead and gave him my typical response. “It’s on my blog. You should read about it. Google it. It is a fun day.” And I bundled my new smelly pencils and Dr. Seuss clad graphite sticks.
He reminded me of Scrooge.
The boys are still waiting for more photos. You can upload them to Flikr, if you don’t have a blog. They really want to vote for the best picture. They don’t want mom to win. And someone needs to give Leigh a run for her money.
There is still time to enter the giveaway for either a manual or an electric pencil sharpener on the original Sharpen Your Pencil Day post. Anyone can enter to win . . . just try and count . . . one pencil. It can be mechanical.
Please send us your counts!
Goal: 100,000
Total pencils thus far: 340 pencils (Leigh, This Adventure Life, Us)
Number of pencils still needed: 99,966